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Android SDK 変更ログ


Release Date

  • Added getTimestampProperty(key) to FeatureFlag and deprecated getTimestamp(key) for consistency.
  • Added Azerbaijani language translations for Braze UI elements.


Release Date


  • BrazeImageUtils::getBitmap now returns a BitmapAndHeaders object instead of just a Bitmap. This object contains the Bitmap and headers from the image download network request.
    • Custom Image Loaders that have used code from DefaultBrazeImageLoader may need to update their code to handle the new return type.
  • Fixed the potential for ViewUtils.removeViewFromParent to cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where an HTML In-App Message could crash if a bad external link had a query parameter of target="_blank". Thanks to @chenxiangcxc for finding the issue.
  • Fixed an issue where images would be cached when the HTTP headers indicated they shouldn’t be cached.
  • Fixed an issue where some liquid templated images would not have the proper aspect ratio.
  • Added support for new Feature Flag property types by adding getJsonProperty(key), getImageProperty(key), and getTimestampProperty(key) to FeatureFlag.
  • Removed @Synchronized from Brazelogger in order to eliminate noisy thread deadlock logs.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue with where, in the event of the device network time clock not being available, the SDK would continually log about the error.
  • Adds support for the message_extras Liquid tag for in-app messages.


Release Date

  • Added the fields responseCode, responseHeaders, requestUrl to BrazeNetworkFailureEvent.


Release Date

  • Introduces out-of-the-box Jetpack Compose support for Content Cards. Add the com.braze:android-sdk-jetpack-compose module to your build.gradle if you would like to use this feature.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue where the SDK would fail to unregister session seal broadcast receivers.
    • The intent action is suffixed with .intent.BRAZE_SESSION_SHOULD_SEAL.


Release Date

  • Added the ability to configure whether SDK created Activities (such as ContentCardsActivity, BrazeWebViewActivity, etc.) use the WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE to prevent screen capturing.
    • Configured via braze.xml through <bool name="com_braze_use_activity_window_flag_secure">true</bool>.
    • Can also be configured via runtime configuration through BrazeConfig.setShouldUseWindowFlagSecureInActivities().
    • Defaults to false.


Release Date


  • WebViews used for In-App Messages have been updated to use WebViewAssetLoader.
    • WebSettings.allowFileAccess is now set to false in InAppMessageHtmlBaseView and BrazeWebViewActivity.
    • If you are overriding InAppMessageWebViewClient and/or InAppMessageHtmlBaseView, please compare against the original classes to make sure your implementation is correctly loading the assets.
    • If you are not overriding InAppMessageWebViewClient or InAppMessageHtmlBaseView, everything will work as before.
    • If you are not using custom classes, everything will work as before.
  • Fixed an issue where ImageView.setBitmap was being called on a non-UI thread, causing CalledFromWrongThreadException.
  • Fixed an issue where a StrictMode DiskReadViolation would occur when displaying an In-app Message. Thanks to @auxDK for finding the issue.
  • Added BrazeNotificationUtils.routeUserWithNotificationOpenedIntent(Context, BrazePushEvent) to process events when using Braze.subscribeToPushNotificationEvents.
    • See /samples/firebase-push.
  • Added the ability to configure whether a user’s notification subscription state should automatically be set to OPTED_IN when push permissions are granted.
    • Configured via braze.xml through <bool name="com_braze_optin_when_push_authorized">true</bool>.
    • Can also be configured via runtime configuration through BrazeConfig.setOptInWhenPushAuthorized().
    • Defaults to true. This was the previous behavior.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue where Content Cards saved directly to storage via API triggered campaigns could be purged after syncs.
  • Fixed an issue with the default Content Card feed where images provided without default aspect ratios would display with the wrong dynamic aspect ratio.


Release Date

  • Renamed BannerImageCard, BannerImageCardView, and BannerImageContentCardView to ImageOnlyCard, ImageOnlyCardView, and ImageOnlyContentCardView.
  • All styles used for Banner Cards have been updated to Image Only Cards. All keys with the word banner should be replaced with image_only.
  • Device brand information is now sent. If you want to block this, see Blocking data collection.
  • Fixed an issue where NotificationTrampolineActivity would sometimes appear in the list of recent tasks.
  • Braze HTML In-App Message bridge method setCustomUserAttribute() will now accept a JSON Object as the value.
    • When passing a JSON Object, you can pass a third parameter of ‘true’ that will merge the JSON Object with the existing value.
  • Adds a new option REENQUEUE to enum InAppMessageOperation.
    • Return this option in IInAppMessageManagerListener.beforeInAppMessageDisplayed to ensure that an in-app message is not displayed and is simply re-enqueued.
    • This option will reset any trigger times and re-eligibility rules as if it was never triggered. It will not add the message to the In-App Message stack.


Release Date


  • Updated minimum SDK version to 21 (Lollipop).
  • Feature Flags functions have been modified.
    • Braze.getFeatureFlag(id) will now return null if the feature flag doesn’t exist.
    • Braze.subscribeToFeatureFlagsUpdates() will only callback when a refresh request completes, and initially if previously cached data exists. It will also be called with cached feature flags for any refresh failures.
      • If you want the cached value immediately at app startup, use Braze.getFeatureFlag(id).
  • Refactored DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper.createButtonClickListener() into DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper.createButtonClickListeners().
  • Fixed an issue where Firebase fallback service had a null Context.
  • Fixed an issue where calling requestPushPermission() before closeMessage() in the HTML bridge could result in the HTML IAM remaining in the view hierarchy.
  • Fixed an issue where Braze.removeSingleSubscription() wouldn’t remove synchronous subscriptions, resulting in memory leaks with ContentCardsFragment.
  • DefaultContentCardHandler will sort by if both Card.isPinned and Card.created are equal.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 26.1.0 where additional empty network requests were sent on openSession calls. Customers on v27.0.0 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.


Release Date

⚠️ This version has a known issue. Please upgrade to v27.0.1.


  • Removed IInAppMessage.logDisplayFailure().
  • Fixed the behavior of HTML In-App messages to restrict remote navigation inputs to their display WebView during message display on non touch-mode devices.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 26.1.0 where additional empty network requests were sent on openSession calls. Customers on v26.3.0 and v26.3.1 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.


Release Date

⚠️ This version has a known issue. Please upgrade to v26.3.2.

  • Internal bug fixes for an upcoming Braze push feature.


Release Date

⚠️ This version has a known issue. Please upgrade to v26.3.2.

  • Added the ability to forward Firebase push notifications to FirebaseMessagingService implementations if that push notification is not a Braze notification.
    • Configured via runtime configuration through BrazeConfig.setFallbackFirebaseMessagingServiceEnabled() and BrazeConfig.setFallbackFirebaseMessagingServiceClasspath()
    • Can also be configured via braze.xml through <bool name="com_braze_fallback_firebase_cloud_messaging_service_enabled">true</bool> and <string name="com_braze_fallback_firebase_cloud_messaging_service_classpath"></string>.
    • Defaults to false.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 26.1.0 where additional empty network requests were sent on openSession calls. Customers on v26.2.0 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.


Release Date

⚠️ This version has a known issue. Please upgrade to v26.2.1.

  • Fixed an issue with Unity not properly forwarding messages to the Braze Unity internal layer for In-App Message events.
  • Fixed an issue on Android 13+ devices where push subscriptions would be set to OPTED_IN on every session after the user granted push permissions. Now, the SDK sets the user to OPTED_IN only once immediately after the user grants push permissions.
  • Deprecated IBraze.requestContentCardsRefresh(boolean) in favor of IBraze.requestContentCardsRefresh() and IBraze.requestContentCardsRefreshFromCache().


  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 26.1.0 where additional empty network requests were sent on openSession calls. Customers on v26.1.0 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.


Release Date

⚠️ This version has a known issue. Please upgrade to v26.1.1.

  • This release includes support for Android 14 (Upside Down Cake / API 34).
  • Added verticalAccuracy to location information.
    • BrazeUser.setLastKnownLocation now accepts verticalAccuracy.
    • Updates through Braze location APIs will automatically include verticalAccuracy if the device supports it.
  • Changed target API for the SDK to 34.


Release Date


  • Added the ability to configure link target behavior for HTML In-App Messages through BrazeConfig.setIsHtmlInAppMessageHtmlLinkTargetEnabled() or via adding <bool name="com_braze_html_in_app_message_enable_html_link_target">true</bool> to your braze.xml. Defaults to enabled.
    • When enabled, a link in an In-App Message that has the link target set (e.g. <a HREF="" target="_blank">Please Read</a>) will open the link in a browser, but will not close the In-App Message.
  • Fixed an issue where a slideup In-App Message would not be auto-dismissed if the user interacted with it.
  • Fixed an issue where a user’s push subscription state changed to “subscribed” instead of “opted in” upon accepting the Android 13+ push prompt.


Release Date


Our SDK is now hosted in Maven Central. You can remove from your build.gradle and make sure you have mavenCentral() as a repository.

  • Added BrazeLogger.enableVerboseLogging() to more easily enable verbose logs.
  • Added Braze.getDeviceIdAsync() which allows for asynchronously retrieving the Braze device identifier.
  • Added to provide the ability to listen to Braze updates with a fire-only-once guarantee.
    Braze.getInstance(context).subscribeToContentCardsUpdates(IFireOnceEventSubscriber {
        // Only fires once
  • Updated BrazeUser.setCustomUserAttribute() to now accept nested custom attributes and arrays of objects. Please see our public docs for more information.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue where the SDK would attempt to to access the visual service WindowManager from non-visual contexts, resulting in benign StrictMode errors.
  • Added @JvmStatic to com.braze.push.BrazeHuaweiPushHandler.handleHmsRemoteMessageData().
  • Fixed an issue where notification extra data was not being passed along in Push Story main image clicks.
  • Fixed an issue where ContentCardAdapter was not properly handling bad indexes being passed in.
  • Added the ability to configure dismissal of Push Stories on click by adding BrazeConfig.setDoesPushStoryDismissOnClick() or <bool name="com_braze_does_push_story_dismiss_on_click">true</bool> to your braze.xml. Defaults to true.


Release Date

  • Added support for the upcoming Braze Feature Flags product.
  • Changed the default behavior for images to more aggressively sample large images.
    • Images will be sampled until their effective bitmap size (i.e. W x H x 4 bytes) is below 16 MB.
    • Images will be sampled until both (and not either) the half-width and half-height of the image is less than or equal to the image destination dimensions.
  • Changed the behavior of failed Content Card requests to automatically retry on server 500 errors and SDK Authentication errors.


Release Date

  • Added BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener.registerOnApplication() which allows for registering the lifecycle callback listener from any Context.


Release Date


  • Location and geofence functionality has moved to a new module called com.braze:android-sdk-location. Add this module to your build.gradle if you are using Braze location functionality.
  • Deprecated classes starting with Appboy have now been removed.
  • Moved com.appboy packages to com.braze.
  • All xml classes and values in them have been changed from appboy to braze. All custom code should be updated accordingly.
  • BrazeNotificationUtils.isAppboyPushMessage() removed. Please use instead:
    • Java: BrazeNotificationUtils.isBrazePushMessage(Intent)
    • Kotlin: Intent.isBrazePushMessage()
    • Instead, please use Braze.getInstance(context).subscribeToPushNotificationEvents()
  • Updated the minimum version of required for Braze Geofences to 20.0.0.
  • Added the ability to optionally pipe Braze logcat from BrazeLogger to a custom callback via BrazeLogger.onLoggedCallback.
      BrazeLogger.onLoggedCallback = fun(priority: BrazeLogger.Priority, message: String, throwable: Throwable?) {
        // Custom callback logic here
      BrazeLogger.setOnLoggedCallback((priority, s, throwable) -> {
        // Custom logic here
        return null;
  • Removed BrazeUser.setFacebookData() and BrazeUser.setTwitterData().
  • Changed the default behavior of DefaultContentCardsUpdateHandler to use the creation time vs last update time when sorting Content Cards.


Release Date

  • Fixed the behavior of the Braze HTML In-App Message bridge method requestPushPermission() to not cause the in-app message to reload.
  • Fixed com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView to guard against null values of InAppMessageImageView.inAppRadii.
  • Removed com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory. Please use com.braze.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory.
  • Changed com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView.getMessageClickableView to be nullable.


Release Date

  • Fixed the fields of DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper to be open, allowing them to be subclassed in Kotlin properly.


Release Date

  • Fixed the fields of DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper to be protected, allowing them to be subclassed.
  • Fixed BrazeNotificationPayload and BrazePushReceiver to not hold onto an Activity context for longer than needed.
  • Added a config field BrazeConfig.setIsHtmlInAppMessageApplyWindowInsetsEnabled() to configure the SDK to automatically apply window insets to HTML In-App messages.
    • By default, this value is false.
  • Added subscribeToNoMatchingTriggerForEvent which is called if no Braze in-app message was triggered for a given event.
  • Removed com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners.IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener. Please use com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners.IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener.
  • Removed AppboyInAppMessageHtmlBaseView.APPBOY_BRIDGE_PREFIX. Please use InAppMessageHtmlBaseView.BRAZE_BRIDGE_PREFIX.


Release Date

  • Removed the use of the Kotlin Coroutines method limitedParallelism().


Release Date

  • Fixed the DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper to be Kotlin open, allowing it to be subclassed.


Release Date

  • Added more reliable HTML In-App Message focusing specifically for TV environments. To use this behavior please set com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder.setIsTouchModeRequiredForHtmlInAppMessages to false.
  • Added BrazeNotificationPayload.extras as a Map<String, String> to easily retrieve dashboard provided KVPs for push notification data.
  • Added support for Content Cards to evaluate Retry-After headers.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue where BaseCardView would sometimes have the wrong size for a given image.
  • Added proguard rules to keep enum.values() and enum.valueOf(String) for users who don’t use the default Android proguard rules.


Release Date


  • BaseContentCardView.bindViewHolder() now takes Card instead of generic type.
  • Fixed an issue where apps with a target of Android 12 running on Android 13 devices would not automatically create a default notification channel upon a push notification being received.
  • Added ability to retrieve deeplinks from BrazeNotificationPayload objects via BrazeNotificationPayload().deeplink.


Release Date


  • is now Braze.kt. Kotlin clients will need to update their code to support the use of Kotlin properties on the Braze singleton where needed.
    • Braze.registerPushToken()/Braze.getRegisteredPushToken() is now Braze.setRegisteredPushToken()/Braze.getRegisteredPushToken(). If using Kotlin, use the property Braze.registeredPushToken.
    • Braze.getDeviceId is now just Braze.deviceId for Kotlin.
    • Braze.enableMockNetworkAppboyRequestsAndDropEventsMode is now Braze.enableMockNetworkRequestsAndDropEventsMode().
    • has been removed. For example, calls like Appboy.getInstance() will need to be Braze.getInstance() moving forward.
    • Replaced setCustomAppboyNotificationFactory() with setCustomBrazeNotificationFactory() / customBrazeNotificationFactory.
    • Renamed enableMockAppboyNetworkRequestsAndDropEventsMode to enableMockNetworkRequestsAndDropEventsMode.
  • Moved com.appboy.IBrazeEndpointProvider to com.braze.IBrazeEndpointProvider.
  • Renamed to
  • Removed Appboy.registerAppboyPushMessages() / Appboy.getAppboyPushMessageRegistrationId(). Replaced with getRegisteredPushToken() / setRegisteredPushToken().
  • Replaced IAppboyNotificationFactory with IBrazeNotificationFactory.
  • Fixed an issue in BrazePushReceiver where eager In-App Message test displays and Content Card serializations from push notifications wouldn’t work unless notifications were enabled on the device.
  • Fixed an issue where devices between the API 19 up to API 29 would not perform automatic data syncs in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where carryover in-app messages wouldn’t display on subsequent Views on new Activities.
  • Fixed an issue where some long running In-App Message HTML WebViews would call View methods on non UI threads.
  • Added IBraze.subscribeToPushNotificationEvents() to allow for subscriptions to push notification events without the use of a BroadcastReceiver.
    • Recommended to be placed in your Application.onCreate().
  • Changed com.braze.models.outgoing.BrazeProperties.clone() to return BrazeProperties?.


Release Date

  • This release includes support for Android 13 (Tiramisu / API 33).


  • Removed IAppboy.logContentCardsDisplayed. This method was not part of the recommended Content Cards integration and can be safely removed.
  • Changed target API for the SDK to 33.


Release Date


  • Changed BrazeNotificationStyleFactory to remove deprecated functions.
    • Removed BrazeNotificationStyleFactory.getBigNotificationStyle(Context, Bundle, Bundle, NotificationCompat.Builder). Use BrazeNotificationStyleFactory.getNotificationStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) instead.
    • Removed BrazeNotificationStyleFactory.getBigTextNotificationStyle(BrazeConfigurationProvider, Bundle). Use BrazeNotificationStyleFactory.getBigTextNotificationStyle(BrazeNotificationPayload) instead.
    • Removed BrazeNotificationStyleFactory.getStoryStyle(Context, Bundle, Bundle, NotificationCompat.Builder). Use BrazeNotificationStyleFactory.getStoryStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) instead.
  • Changed BrazeNotificationActionUtils to remove deprecated functions.
    • Removed BrazeNotificationActionUtils.addNotificationActions(Context, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle). Use BrazeNotificationActionUtils.addNotificationActions(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) instead.
    • Removed BrazeNotificationActionUtils.addNotificationAction(Context, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle, Int). Use BrazeNotificationActionUtils.addNotificationAction(BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton) instead.
    • Removed AppboyNotificationActionUtils. Use BrazeNotificationActionUtils instead.
  • Removed AppboyHuaweiPushHandler. Use BrazeHuaweiPushHandler instead.
  • Removed AppboyFirebaseMessagingService. Use BrazeFirebaseMessagingService instead.
  • Removed AppboyAdmReceiver. Use BrazeAmazonDeviceMessagingReceiver instead.
  • BrazeFirebaseMessagingService.handleBrazeRemoteMessage() and BrazeFirebaseMessagingService.isBrazePushNotification() now require non-null parameters.
  • is now Channel.CONTENT_CARD for actions that originate from a Content Card instead of Channel.NEWS_FEED.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent SDK Authentication errors from being retried.
  • Modified BrazeProperties.addProperties() to allow adding nested properties via JSONObject or Map<String, *>.
  • Added support for Braze Action Deeplink Click Actions.
  • Slideup messages now have a maximum width of 450dp. This can be adjusted by modifying @dimen/com_braze_inappmessage_slideup_max_width.
  • Added com.braze.Constants with constants starting with “BRAZE_” that replace the corresponding “APPBOY_” constants in com.appboy.Constants. The “APPBOY_” constants are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


  • It is highly recommended to include the compiler flag -Xjvm-default=all in your Gradle build options due to the new use of default arguments in the SDK. Without this flag, you may see a compiler warning about “Inheritance from an interface with ‘@JvmDefault’ members”. An example is included below:
  android {
    kotlinOptions {
      freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjvm-default=all']
      jvmTarget = "1.8"

Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Modified behavior of BrazeProperties(JSONObject) when Date is part of JSONObject.
    • Previously, Date objects in the JSONObject would be converted with the Date.toString() (e.g. “Thu Jan 01 03:15:33 CST 1970”).
    • Date objects in the JSONObject are now converted to BrazeDateFormat.LONG (e.g. “1970-01-01 09:15:33”). This behavior is consistent with BrazeProperties.addProperty(Date).
  • Converted IInAppMessage to Kotlin and changed several methods to no longer allow for null inputs or return boolean statuses on field setters.
    • IInAppMessage.setClickAction() is renamed to setClickBehavior() and now returns void.
    • MessageButton.setClickAction() is renamed to setClickBehavior() and now returns void.
    • InAppMessageImmersiveBase.setMessageButtons() no longer accepts null. Pass in an empty list to clear.
  • Converted Card to Kotlin, so JVM signatures may have changed.
    • Removed Card.isEqualToCard(). Please use card.equals(otherCard) instead.
    • Removed Card.isRead() and Card.setIsRead(). Please use Card.isIndicatorHighlighted (Kotlin) or Card.isIndicatorHighlighted() and Card.setIndicatorHighlighted() (Java).
  • Removed com.appboy.AnimationUtils, com.appboy.ViewUtils, com.appboy.UriUtils, com.appboy.IAction, com.appboy.NewsfeedAction and com.appboy.UriAction classes. The Braze namespaced classes remain.
  • BrazeDeeplinkHandler.createUriActionFromUrlString() and BrazeDeeplinkHandler.createUriActionFromUri() now require non-null values for uri/url and channel.
    • AppboyNavigator has been removed in favor of BrazeDeeplinkHandler.
  • Removed AppboyNotificationUtils in favor of BrazeNotificationUtils.
  • Removed AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener. Please use BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener.
    • Removed BrazeLifecycleCallbackListener.setInAppMessagingRegistrationBlacklist() in favor of BrazeLifecycleCallbackListener.setInAppMessagingRegistrationBlocklist(). Removed BrazeLifecycleCallbackListener.setSessionHandlingBlacklist() in favor of BrazeLifecycleCallbackListener.setSessionHandlingBlocklist().
  • Removed AppboyContentCardsManager. Please use BrazeContentCardsManager instead.
  • Removed AppboyEmptyContentCardsAdapter. Please use EmptyContentCardsAdapter instead.
  • Removed BrazeUser.setAvatarImageUrl(String).
  • Fixed the startup behavior of the SDK to not perform caller thread blocking operations when setting up SharedPreferences and other disk reading I/O.
  • Fixed a potential issue where the default implementation of Webview.onRenderProcessGone() could lead to app crashes. Thanks to @ankitsingh08 for finding the issue.
  • Added BrazeProperties(Map<String, *>) constructor.
  • Changed Appboy.getConfiguredApiKey() to accept a BrazeConfigurationProvider instead of a Context object.
  • Deprecated AppboyBootReceiver. Please use BrazeBootReceiver instead.
  • Changed the SDK to not wake the screens of Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION devices when receiving push notifications.
    • These screen types will not be awoken even if isPushWakeScreenForNotificationEnabled() is true and the permission Manifest.permission.WAKE_LOCK is granted.
    • Special thanks to @IanGClifton for


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue introduced in 17.0.0 where some HTML In-App Message zip asset files containing hidden __MACOSX folders without a corresponding entry for that folder would cause the in-app message to fail to display.


  • It is highly recommended to include the compiler flag -Xjvm-default=all in your Gradle build options due to the new use of default arguments in the SDK. Without this flag, you may see a compiler warning about “Inheritance from an interface with ‘@JvmDefault’ members”. An example is included below:
  android {
    kotlinOptions {
      freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjvm-default=all']
      jvmTarget = "1.8"

Release Date

This version has a known issue with HTML In-App Message which was fixed in v18.0.1

⚠ Breaking
  • Removed AppboyLruImageLoader in favor of DefaultBrazeImageLoader.
    • com.appboy.lrucache.AppboyLruImageLoader -> com.braze.images.DefaultBrazeImageLoader.
    • com.appboy.Appboy.getAppboyImageLoader -> com.appboy.Appboy.getImageLoader.
    • com.appboy.Appboy.setAppboyImageLoader -> com.appboy.Appboy.setImageLoader.
  • Removed IAppboyEndpointProvider in favor of IBrazeEndpointProvider.
    • If using Braze.setAppboyEndpointProvider() please use Braze.setEndpointProvider().
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 15.0.0 where Full in-app messages on tablets may have had an incorrect background color.
  • Added the ability to change SDK authentication signature with Braze.changeUser() when the current user id and a new signature is passed in.
    • Previously, Braze.changeUser() would not change the SDK authentication signature if the current user id was used.
  • InAppMessageCloser is deprecated.
    • Use BrazeInAppMessageManager.hideCurrentlyDisplayingInAppMessage() to hide currently displayed in-app messages.
    • Use IInAppMessage.setAnimateOut() to set whether your in-app message should animate on close.
    • New version of IInAppMessageManagerListener.onInAppMessageClicked() and IInAppMessageManagerListener.onInAppMessageButtonClicked() that don’t use InAppMessageCloser have been added.
      • If you override the deprecated functions that use InAppMessageCloser, those will be called.
      • If you override the new functions and don’t override the deprecated functions, the new functions will be called.
  • Deprecated ContentCardsUpdatedEvent.getLastUpdatedInSecondsFromEpoch.
    • Use getTimestampSeconds() (Java) or timestampSeconds (Kotlin).


Release Date

:warning: This version has a known issue with HTML In-App Message which was fixed in v18.0.1

⚠ Breaking
  • BrazeLogger.setLogLevel() replaced with direct property setter BrazeLogger.logLevel for Kotlin.
  • Removed AppboyLogger, com.appboy.IntentUtils, com.appboy.StringUtils class. The Braze namespaced classes remain.
  • Removed com_braze_locale_api_key_map as a configuration option and BrazeConfig.setLocaleToApiMapping(). If you need to change your API key based on locale, please use BrazeConfig at runtime instead.
  • Added Braze.isDisabled() to determine whether the SDK is disabled.
  • Added Braze.addSdkMetadata() to allow self reporting of SDK Metadata fields via the BrazeSdkMetadata enum.
    • Fields may also be added via a string-array to your braze.xml with the key com_braze_sdk_metadata. The allowed items are the same as the keys found in the BrazeSdkMetadata enum. For example when using Branch:
      <string-array name="com_braze_sdk_metadata">
    • Fields are additive across all reporting methods.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Removed AppboyConfigurationProvider in favor of BrazeConfigurationProvider.
    • Any deprecated usages, such as in the IBrazeNotificationFactory have also been removed.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 13.1.0 where session start location updates would fail to update on pre API 30 devices.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 13.1.0 where geofence update events would fail to update properly.
  • Added the ability to namespace all braze.xml configurations to be able to use braze in place of appboy. The Braze namespaced configuration keys will take precedence over the appboy keys.
    • For example, com_appboy_api_key can be replaced with com_braze_api_key.
    • Be sure to look for and update any API keys in your build variants as the com_braze_api_key from your default variant might take precedence unexpectedly.
    • All com_appboy_* configuration keys in XML will be removed in a future release so it is advised to migrate these configuration keys to their com_braze_* counterparts.
  • Changed target API for the SDK to 31.


Release Date

  • It is highly recommended to do extensive QA after updating to this release, especially for clients doing any amount of Content Card or In-App Message customizations.
⚠ Breaking
  • All Content Cards layout/drawables/colors/dimens identifiers containing com_appboy_content_cards/com_appboy_content_card were replaced with com_braze_content_cards/com_braze_content_card respectively.
    • Content Card drawables icon_pinned, icon_read, icon_unread are now com_braze_content_card_icon_pinned, com_braze_content_card_icon_read, com_braze_content_card_icon_unread.
  • All In-App Message layout/drawables/colors/dimens identifiers containing com_appboy_inappmessage/com_appboy_in_app_message replaced with com_braze_inappmessage.
  • All styles under namespace Appboy.* moved to Braze.*.
    • Any Appboy.* style overrides must be migrated to Braze.* as there is no backwards compatibility.
    • For example, a style override for Appboy.Cards.ImageSwitcher must be renamed to Braze.Cards.ImageSwitcher.
  • Several classes/interfaces have been moved to a Braze namespace/package.
    • In-App Messages
      • In-App Message classes under com.appboy.models.* moved to com.braze.models.inappmessage
      • Class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageCloser -> com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageCloser
      • Enum com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageOperation -> com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageOperation
      • Enums in package com.appboy.enums.inappmessage.* moved to com.braze.enums.inappmessage
    • Content Cards
      • Interface IContentCardsUpdateHandler moved to com.braze.ui.contentcards.handlers.IContentCardsUpdateHandler
      • Interface IContentCardsViewBindingHandler moved to com.braze.ui.contentcards.handlers.IContentCardsViewBindingHandler
      • Interface AppboyContentCardsActionListener moved to com.braze.ui.contentcards.listeners.DefaultContentCardsActionListener
      • Classes in package com.appboy.ui.contentcards.view.* moved to com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.*
        • This is the package containing all Content Card default views.
      • Class ->
    • Miscellaneous
      • Class AppboyBaseFragmentActivity moved to com.braze.ui.activities.BrazeBaseFragmentActivity
  • Removed deprecated IInAppMessageManagerListener#onInAppMessageReceived from IInAppMessageManagerListener.
  • Removed AppboyUser in favor of BrazeUser.
    • Note that for Kotlin consumers, Appboy.currentUser? and Braze.currentUser? are valid due to the removal of generics on the Braze.getCurrentUser() method.
  • Added support for Conversational Push.
  • Added the ability for custom broadcast receivers to not require the host package name as a prefix when declaring intent filters in your app manifest.
    • <action android:name="${applicationId}.intent.APPBOY_PUSH_RECEIVED" /> should be replaced with <action android:name="com.braze.push.intent.NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED" />
    • <action android:name="${applicationId}.intent.APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_OPENED" /> should be replaced with <action android:name="com.braze.push.intent.NOTIFICATION_OPENED" />
    • <action android:name="${applicationId}.intent.APPBOY_PUSH_DELETED" /> should be replaced with <action android:name="com.braze.push.intent.NOTIFICATION_DELETED" />
    • The appboy intents have been deprecated but are still available. They will be removed in a future release so migrating early is highly recommended.
    • Both the appboy and braze intents are sent for backwards compatibility so only one set should be registered at a time.
  • Added BrazeUser.addToSubscriptionGroup() and BrazeUser.removeFromSubscriptionGroup() to add or remove a user from an email or SMS subscription group.
    • Added brazeBridge.getUser().addToSubscriptionGroup() and brazeBridge.getUser().removeFromSubscriptionGroup() to the javascript interface for HTML In-App Messages.
  • Several classes in the android-sdk-ui artifact have been renamed to the Braze namespace/package. Whenever possible, the original classes are still available. However, they will be removed in a future release so migrating early is highly recommended.
    • Classes in package com.appboy.push.* moved to com.braze.push.*
    • Classes in package com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views moved to com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
    • Classes in package com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners moved to com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
    • Interfaces in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.* moved to com.braze.ui.inappmessage.*
    • Class com.appboy.AppboyFirebaseMessagingService -> com.braze.push.BrazeFirebaseMessagingService
    • Class com.appboy.AppboyAdmReceiver -> com.braze.push.BrazeAmazonDeviceMessagingReceiver
    • Class com.appboy.ui.AppboyContentCardsFragment -> com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
    • Class com.appboy.ui.activities.AppboyContentCardsActivity -> com.braze.ui.activities.ContentCardsActivity
    • Class com.appboy.ui.AppboyWebViewActivity -> com.braze.ui.BrazeWebViewActivity
    • Class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.AppboyInAppMessageManager -> com.braze.ui.inappmessage.BrazeInAppMessageManager
    • Class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper -> com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
    • Class com.appboy.AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener -> com.braze.BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener
  • Changed the ContentCardsFragment and BrazeInAppMessageManager to clear their respective caches of messages after wipeData() is called.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue with BrazeProperties not being kept via proguard rules.
  • Fixed an issue on TV integrations where in app messages wouldn’t properly be given focus when visible.
  • Added close icon highlighting for TV integrations when selecting the close button in In App Messages.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Interface IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory changed to use BrazeConfigurationProvider.
  • Interface IAppboyImageLoader/IBrazeImageLoader changed to use com.braze.enums.BrazeViewBounds.
  • Class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfig is now com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig. The original class has been removed and old usages should be updated.
  • Class com.appboy.enums.AppboyViewBounds is now com.braze.enums.BrazeViewBounds. The original class has been removed and old usages should be updated.
  • Removed com.appboy.push.AppboyNotificationUtils#bundleOptString.
  • Braze.logPurchase() and Braze.logEvent() now impose a 50KB limit on event properties. If the supplied properties are too large, the event is not logged.
    • See BrazeProperties.isInvalid().
  • HTML In-App Messages rendered via the default AppboyHtmlViewFactory now require the device to be in touch mode to display.
    • See getIsTouchModeRequiredForHtmlInAppMessages() in the #added section for configuration on disabling this behavior.
  • For Kotlin consumers, Appboy.currentUser? calls must be migrated to Braze.getCurrentUser<BrazeUser>() due to updated generics resolution.
  • Several classes in the base artifact have been renamed to the Braze namespace/packages. Whenever possible, the original classes are still available. However, they will be removed in a future release so migrating early is highly recommended.
    • com.appboy.Appboy -> com.braze.Braze
    • com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfig -> com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig
    • com.braze.AppboyUser -> com.braze.BrazeUser
    • com.appboy.lrucache.AppboyLruImageLoader -> com.braze.images.DefaultBrazeImageLoader
    • com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider -> com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfigurationProvider
    • com.appboy.models.outgoing.AppboyProperties -> com.braze.models.outgoing.BrazeProperties
    • ->
    • ->
  • Changed the behavior of In-App Message Accessibility Exclusive mode to save and reset the accessibility flags of views after display.
  • Changed the AppboyInAppMessageWebViewClientListener to use an Activity context when following a deeplink in IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener.onOtherUrlAction.
  • Deprecated AppboyInAppMessageHtmlBaseView.APPBOY_BRIDGE_PREFIX.
  • Added Braze.registerPushToken() and Braze.getRegisteredPushToken().
    • Note that these methods are the functional equivalents of Appboy.registerAppboyPushMessages() and Appboy.getAppboyPushMessageRegistrationId().
  • Exposed brazeBridge which replaces appboyBridge to be used as the javascript interface for HTML In-App Messages. appboyBridge is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the SDK.
  • Added AppboyInAppMessageHtmlBaseView.BRAZE_BRIDGE_PREFIX.
  • Added the ability to configure whether View#isInTouchMode() is required to show HTML In-App Messages via BrazeConfig.setIsTouchModeRequiredForHtmlInAppMessages().
    • Can also be configured via boolean com_braze_require_touch_mode_for_html_in_app_messages in your braze.xml.
    • Defaults to true.
  • Added support for new SDK Authentication feature.
  • Fixed an issue with setIsInAppMessageAccessibilityExclusiveModeEnabled() not being respected if set via runtime configuration. Setting this value via XML was unaffected.
  • Fixed an issue with the SDK repeatedly failing to initialize when not properly setting a Braze API key.


Release Date

  • Changed the NotificationTrampolineActivity to always call finish() regardless of any eventual deeplink handling by the host app or SDK.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue with the NotificationTrampolineActivity being opened on notification delete intents.


Release Date

  • All notifications now route through NotificationTrampolineActivity to comply with Android 12 notification trampoline restrictions.
  • Inline Image push is now compatible with the Android 12 notification area changes.
  • Automatic Firebase Messaging registration will now use FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().getToken() directly if available.
  • Removed usage of Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS with push notifications.
  • Added getInAppMessageStack(), getCarryoverInAppMessage(), and getUnregisteredInAppMessage() to AppboyInAppMessageManager.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Moved all In-App Message buttons from Button to com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton.
    • This ensures that the MaterialComponentsViewInflater does not interfere with standard In-App Message display when using a MaterialComponents theme.
    • Apps extending a Material theme should test to ensure their In-App Messages appear as expected.
  • Moved com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.AppboyInAppMessageImageView to com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView.
  • Removed all getter methods from AppboyConfig. Access to the underlying data is now directly possible via the variables of the object, e.g. appboyConfig.getApiKey() is now appboyConfig.mApiKey.
  • Added getEmptyCardsAdapter(), getContentCardUpdateRunnable(), getNetworkUnavailableRunnable() to protected methods in AppboyContentCardsFragment for easier customizability.
  • Changed the max content line length to 2 lines for Inline Image Push.
    • This style can be found via "Appboy.Push.InlineImage.TextArea.TitleContent.ContentText"
  • Changed the AppboyContentCardsFragment.ContentCardsUpdateRunnable to determine network unavailability and feed emptiness based on the filtered list of cards and not the original input list of cards.
  • Fixed an issue with IAM display where a deleted local image would result in a failed image display.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Added getIntentFlags to the IAppboyNavigator interface to more easily allow for customizing Activity launch behavior.
    • A default implementation is available below:
      public int getIntentFlags(IntentFlagPurpose intentFlagPurpose) {
        return new AppboyNavigator().getIntentFlags(intentFlagPurpose);
  • Renamed firebase_messaging_service_automatically_register_on_new_token to com_appboy_firebase_messaging_service_automatically_register_on_new_token in appboy.xml configuration.
  • Fixed an issue with the default image loader not properly setting image bitmaps on API 23 and below devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the AppboyInAppMessageManager.ensureSubscribedToInAppMessageEvents() method wouldn’t properly resubscribe after disabling and re-enabling the SDK.
  • Changed Push Stories in AppboyNotificationStyleFactory to use BrazeNotificationPayload.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Changed the behavior of new beta HTML In-App Messages with dashboard preview support (i.e. those with MessageType.HTML and not MessageType.HTML_FULL) to not automatically log analytics clicks on url follows in IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener.
    • Body click analytics will no longer automatically be collected. To continue to receive body click analytics, you must log body clicks explicitly from your message via Javascript using appboyBridge.logClick().
  • IContentCardsUpdateHandler and IContentCardsViewBindingHandler interfaces now extend android.os.Parcelable.
    • This ensures that these handlers properly transition across instance state saves and reads.
    • Examples on how to extend Parcelable can be found in DefaultContentCardsUpdateHandler and DefaultContentCardsViewBindingHandler.
  • Renamed AppboyFcmReceiver to BrazePushReceiver.
  • Added AppboyInAppMessageManager.getIsCurrentlyDisplayingInAppMessage().
  • Added ability to configure whether the AppboyFirebaseMessagingService will automatically register tokens in its onNewToken method.
    • Defaults to whether FCM automatic registration is enabled. Note that FCM automatic registration is a separate configuration option and is not enabled by default.
    • Configured by changing the boolean value for firebase_messaging_service_automatically_register_on_new_token in your appboy.xml, or at runtime by setting AppboyConfig.setIsFirebaseMessagingServiceOnNewTokenRegistrationEnabled().
    • Note that the Sender ID used to configure tokens received in onNewToken() is based on the app’s default Firebase Project rather than the explicitly configured Sender ID on the Braze SDK. These should generally be the same value.
  • Deprecated AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener.setInAppMessagingRegistrationBlacklist() in favor of AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener.setInAppMessagingRegistrationBlocklist().
  • Deprecated AppboyConfig.Builder.setDeviceObjectWhitelist() in favor of AppboyConfig.Builder.setDeviceObjectAllowlist().
  • Deprecated AppboyConfig.Builder.setDeviceObjectWhitelistEnabled() in favor of AppboyConfig.Builder.setDeviceObjectAllowlistEnabled().
  • Fixed an issue where the AppboyContentCardsFragment would not transition a custom IContentCardsUpdateHandler or IContentCardsViewBindingHandler implementation in onSaveInstanceState(), which caused the defaults for both to be used instead.
  • Fixed an issue with deeplink handling where push action button deeplinks would only work once throughout the lifetime of the application.


Release Date

  • Changed AppboyWebViewActivity to extend FragmentActivity for better fragment management.
    • Note that AppboyWebViewActivity now no longer performs session and in-app message registration on its own.
    • Clients using AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener will see no effect.
    • Clients performing manual session integration should override AppboyWebViewActivity to add back this registration and set the new Activity via AppboyConfig.Builder#setCustomWebViewActivityClass() or com_appboy_custom_html_webview_activity_class_name in the appboy.xml file.
  • Added support for receiving messages via the Huawei Messaging Service.
  • Fixed minor display issues with Inline Image Push.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • The Android SDK has now fully migrated to AndroidX dependencies. No backwards compatibility is possible with the no longer maintained Android Support Library.
    • See for more information on AndroidX, including migration steps.
    • Braze Android 9.0.0 is the last SDK version compatible with the Android Support Library.
  • Added a new interface method, IAppboyNotificationFactory.createNotification(BrazeNotificationPayload).
    • The BrazeNotificationPayload is a data object that performs the task of extracting and surfacing values from the Braze push payload in a far more convenient way.
    • Integrations without a custom IAppboyNotificationFactory will have no breaking changes.
    • Integrations with a custom IAppboyNotificationFactory are recommended to switchover to their non-deprecated counterparts in
  • Added support for com_appboy_inapp_show_inapp_messages_automatically boolean configuration for Unity.
  • Fixed support for dark mode in HTML in-app messages and remote urls opened in AppboyWebViewActivity for deeplinks via the prefers-color-scheme: dark css style.
    • The decision to display content in dark mode will still be determined at display time based on the device’s state.
  • Fixed an issue where the card parameter in com.appboy.IAppboyImageLoader.renderUrlIntoCardView() was null for Content Cards.
  • Removed com.appboy.push.AppboyNotificationUtils.handleContentCardsSerializedCardIfPresent().


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • The Android SDK now has a source and target build compatibility set to Java 8.
  • Simplified the email regex used in the SDK to centralize most validation on the server.
    • The original email validation used is reproduced below:
  • Fixed an issue where in-app message icon TextViews could throw a ClassCastException on certain devices and prevent display.
  • Removed in favor of,, com.appboy.enums.AppboyViewBounds).
  • Removed com.appboy.AppboyAdmReceiver.CAMPAIGN_ID_KEY.
    • Use Constants.APPBOY_PUSH_CAMPAIGN_ID_KEY instead.
  • Removed com.appboy.push.AppboyNotificationUtils.isValidNotificationPriority().


Release Date

Added support for Android 11 R (API 30).
  • Note that apps targeting API 30 should update to this SDK version.
  • Changed Content Card subscriptions to automatically re-fire when silent push syncs or test send cards are received via push.
  • Improved several accessibility features of In-App Messages and Content Cards as per Principles for improving app accessibility.
    • Changed non-informative accessibility content descriptions for in-app message and Content Card images to @null.
    • Content Cards now have content descriptions on their views that incorporate the title and description.
  • Changed the AppboyFirebaseMessagingService to override the onNewToken() method to register a Firebase push token when automatic Firebase registration enabled.
  • Added appboyBridge.getUser().addAlias() to the javascript interface for HTML In-App Messages.
  • Added Appboy.getConfiguredApiKey() to aid in determining if the SDK has an API key properly configured.
  • Added an overload for IAppboy.getCurrentUser() that adds an asynchronous callback for when the current user is available instead of blocking on the caller thread.
    • The following is an example of the full interface:
    • 1
      Appboy.getInstance(mContext).getCurrentUser(new IValueCallback<AppboyUser>() {
        public void onSuccess(@NonNull AppboyUser currentUser) {
        public void onError() {}
    • A convenience class is also provided with SimpleValueCallback:
    • 1
      Appboy.getInstance(mContext).getCurrentUser(new SimpleValueCallback<AppboyUser>() {
        public void onSuccess(@NonNull AppboyUser currentUser) {
  • Added AppboyInAppMessageManager.setClickOutsideModalViewDismissInAppMessageView() allow for the dismissal of a Modal In-App Message when tapping on the frame behind the message itself.
    • The default (and historical) value is false, meaning that clicks outside the modal do not close the modal.
    • To toggle the feature on, call: AppboyInAppMessageManager.getInstance().setClickOutsideModalViewDismissInAppMessageView(true)
  • Fixed behavior of the com.appboy.ui.AppboyContentCardsFragment to not assign margin of the first card in the feed from the top of the feed.
  • Fixed an issue with Content Card test sends where the test send wouldn’t be visible in some conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with regex based event property triggers not working as expected. Previously they had to match the entire string, now they will search for matches as expected. The regex is now also case-insensitive.
  • Fixed an issue with resolveActivity() in the default UriAction logic not returning a valid Activity to handle external deeplinks on Android 11 devices without the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 4.0.1 where upgrading the SDK could result in server configuration values getting removed until the next session start.
  • Removed AppboyConfig.Builder.setNotificationsEnabledTrackingOn().
  • Removed AppboyImageUtils.getPixelsFromDp().
  • Removed ViewUtils.getDisplayHeight().


Release Date

  • Fixed an Activity resolution issue in com.appboy.ui.AppboyWebViewActivity by removing a call to setDownloadListener().
  • Fixed an implementation issue in 8.0.0 related to setting runtime configuration after stopping the SDK.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Integrators note: most of the changes listed below are on lightly used interfaces that do no affect most clients.
  • Moved InAppMessageHtmlBase.getAssetsZipRemoteUrl(), InAppMessageHtmlBase.setAssetsZipRemoteUrl() to
  • Moved AppboyInAppMessageHtmlFullView.APPBOY_BRIDGE_PREFIX to AppboyInAppMessageHtmlBaseView.APPBOY_BRIDGE_PREFIX
  • Renamed IInAppMessage.getRemoteAssetPathForPrefetch to IInAppMessage.getRemoteAssetPathsForPrefetch and changed signature to List.
  • Renamed IInAppMessage.setLocalAssetPathForPrefetch to IInAppMessage.setLocalAssetPathsForPrefetch and changed signature to Map<String, String>.
  • Created In-App Message interface IInAppMessageWithImage for slideup, modal, and fulls to hold image based methods. These methods have been refactored out of the IInAppMessage interface.
    • These methods are getImageUrl(), getRemoteImageUrl(), getLocalImageUrl(), getBitmap(), getImageDownloadSuccessful(), setImageUrl(), setLocalImageUrl(), setImageDownloadSuccessful(), setRemoteImageUrl(), and setBitmap().
  • Content Card backgrounds (in the default UI), now have their colors set via /android-sdk-ui/src/main/res/drawable-nodpi/com_appboy_content_card_background.xml.
  • Several Content Cards related style values are now fully decoupled from News Feed values and are enumerated below.
  • The color @color/com_appboy_card_background_border is now @color/com_appboy_content_card_background_border for Content Cards.
  • The color @color/com_appboy_card_background_shadow is now @color/com_appboy_content_card_background_shadow for Content Cards.
  • The color @color/com_appboy_card_background is now @color/com_appboy_content_card_background for Content Cards.
  • The color used for the text in the empty AppboyContentCardsFragment, @color/com_appboy_title is now @color/com_appboy_content_card_empty_text_color.
  • Several News Feed dimensions values also used in Content Card styles now have Content Card specific values, enumerated below. Note that if these values were overridden in your styles for use in Content Cards, they will have to be updated to the new keys.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_border_left is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_border_left.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_border_right is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_border_right.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_border_top is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_border_top.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_border_bottom is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_border_bottom.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_shadow_bottom is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_shadow_bottom.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_corner_radius is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_corner_radius.
  • The dimension @dimen/com_appboy_card_background_shadow_radius is now @dimen/com_appboy_content_card_background_shadow_radius.
  • Removed AppboyInAppMessageHtmlJavascriptInterface(Context) in favor of AppboyInAppMessageHtmlJavascriptInterface(Context, IInAppMessageHtml).
  • Removed IAppboy.logPushDeliveryEvent() and AppboyNotificationUtils.logPushDeliveryEvent().
  • Added support for upcoming HTML In-App Message templates.
  • Added appboyBridge.logClick(String), appboyBridge.logClick() and appboyBridge.getUser().setLanguage() to the javascript interface for HTML In-App Messages.
  • Added support for dark mode in HTML in-app messages and remote urls opened in AppboyWebViewActivity for deeplinks via the prefers-color-scheme: dark css style.
    • The decision to display content in dark mode will be determined at display time based on the device’s state.
  • Added support for dark mode in the default Content Cards UI.
    • This feature is enabled by default. To disable or change, override the values present in android-sdk-ui/src/main/res/values-night/colors.xml and android-sdk-ui/src/main/res/values-night/dimens.xml.
  • Added IAppboy.subscribeToSessionUpdates() which allows for the host app to be notified when a session is started or ended.
  • Added the ability to optionally set a custom list of location providers when obtaining a single location, such as on session start. See AppboyConfig.Builder.setCustomLocationProviderNames() for more information.
    • The following example showcases instructing the SDK to use LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER and LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER.
        new AppboyConfig.Builder()
            .setCustomLocationProviderNames(EnumSet.of(LocationProviderName.GPS, LocationProviderName.NETWORK));
    • In xml:
        <string-array translatable="false" name="com_appboy_custom_location_providers_list">
    • By default, only the passive and network providers are used when obtaining a single location from the system.
    • This change does not affect Braze Geofences.
  • Fixed an issue where the pending intent flags on a push story only allowed for the main deeplink to be fired once.
  • Fixed behavior of the com.appboy.ui.AppboyContentCardsFragment to not double the margin of the first card in the feed from the top of the feed.
  • Fixed an issue where calling wipeData() or disableSdk() could result in not being able to set runtime configuration afterwards.
  • Deprecated com.appboy.models.IInAppMessageWithImage#setImageUrl() in favor of com.appboy.models.IInAppMessageWithImage#setRemoteImageUrl(String).


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Made several changes to the default Content Card views to more easily customize and apply ImageView styling.
    • Changed Appboy.ContentCards.BannerImage.ImageContainer.Image to Appboy.ContentCards.BannerImage.Image.
  • Removed com.appboy.ui.contentcards.view.ContentCardViewHolder.createCardImageWithStyle().
  • Added Czech and Ukrainian language translations for Braze UI elements.
  • Added android-sdk-base-jetified and android-sdk-ui-jetified to reference jetified SDK AAR artifacts from the artifact repository.
    • This is a direct replacement for android-sdk-ui-x and is a more complete integration path for using the Braze SDK with AndroidX.
    • Usage as follows:
      dependencies {
      implementation "com.appboy:android-sdk-ui-jetified:${BRAZE_SDK_VERSION}"
    • If previously using the android-sdk-ui-x module, you must replace any imports under the com.appboy.uix.push package to be under com.appboy.ui.push.
    • The gradle properties android.enableJetifier=true and android.useAndroidX=true are no longer required when using androidX libraries with the Braze SDK.
  • Added Material Design Button class names to exported consumer proguard rules.
    -keepnames class
    -keepnames class
  • Fixed issue in AppboyCardAdapter where a card index could be out of bounds when marking a card as seen.
  • In-App Message “test sends” from the dashboard now display automatically if your app is in the foreground.
    • Backgrounded apps will continue to receive a push notification to display the message.
    • You can disable this feature by changing the boolean value for com_appboy_in_app_message_push_test_eager_display_enabled in your appboy.xml, or at runtime by setting AppboyConfig.setInAppMessageTestPushEagerDisplayEnabled() to false.
  • Changed UriAction to be more easily customizable.
  • Removed the android-sdk-ui-x module. See the Added section for more information.
  • Removed the China Push Sample app.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Slideup and HTML Full In-App Messages now require the device to be in touch mode at the time of display. This is enforced in their respective IInAppMessageViewFactory default implementations.
    • See
  • Removed ViewUtils.setFocusableInTouchModeAndRequestFocus().
  • AppboyUnityPlayerNativeActivity, AppboyOverlayActivity, AppboyUnityNativeInAppMessageManagerListener, AppboyUnityPlayerNativeActivity, AppboyUnityPlayerNativeActivity, and IAppboyUnityInAppMessageListener have been removed from the android-sdk-unity project.
    • UnityPlayerNativeActivity was deprecated in 2015. See
  • Added proper support for navigating and closing Braze In-App Messages with directional-pads/TV remote input devices.
  • Added the ability to customize the in-app message button border radius via @dimen/com_appboy_in_app_message_button_corner_radius.
  • Added the ability to customize the in-app message button border color stroke width via @dimen/com_appboy_in_app_message_button_border_stroke.
    • The stroke width used when an in-app message button border is focused is set via @dimen/com_appboy_in_app_message_button_border_stroke_focused.
  • Fixed an issue where Content Cards syncs were suppressed too often.
  • Fixed an issue where in-app messages could not be closed on TVs or other devices without touch interactions.
  • Changed in-app messages to return focus back to the view that previously held focus before a message is displayed as given via Activity#getCurrentFocus().


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Added IInAppMessageView.hasAppliedWindowInsets().
  • Added appboyBridge.logClick() and appboyBridge.getUser().setLanguage() to the javascript interface for HTML In-App Messages.
  • Added Appboy.requestGeofences() to request a Braze Geofences update for a manually provided GPS coordinate. Automatic Braze Geofence requests must be disabled to properly use this method.
    • Braze Geofences can only be requested once per session, either automatically by the SDK or manually with the above method.
  • Added the ability to disable Braze Geofences from being requested automatically at session start.
    • You can do this by configuring the boolean value for com_appboy_automatic_geofence_requests_enabled in your appboy.xml.
    • You can also configure this at runtime by setting AppboyConfig.setAutomaticGeofenceRequestEnabled().
  • Fixed an issue where multiple calls to ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener() could result in in-app messages margins getting applied multiple times instead of exactly once.
  • Fixed an issue where pure white #ffffffff in a dark theme in-app message would not be used when the device was in dark mode.
    • In this case, the original non-dark theme color would be used by the in-app message instead.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue introduced in 4.0.0 where Content Card clicks wouldn’t get forwarded to the parent RecyclerView based on its View’s clickable status.
    • This would result in clicks not being handled or logged for Content Cards.


Release Date

  • Fixed an issue where in-app messages could display behind translucent status and navigation bars.


Release Date

Known Issues with version 4.0.0
  • Content Card clicks are not handled or logged for Content Cards due to the "Appboy.ContentCards" style containing the "clickable=true" style. This is fixed in SDK version 4.0.2.
⚠ Breaking
  • Added beforeInAppMessageViewOpened(), afterInAppMessageViewOpened(), beforeInAppMessageViewClosed(), afterInAppMessageViewClosed() to the IInAppMessageManagerListener interface.
    • These methods are intended to help instrument each stage of the In-App Message View gaining and losing visibility status.
  • Renamed Card.getIsDismissible() to Card.getIsDismissibleByUser().
  • Added the ability to more easily test In-App Messages from the dashboard when sending a test push by bypassing the need to click the test push notification and instead directly display the test In-App Message when the app is in the foreground.
    • A push notification will still display if a test In-App Message push is received and the app is in the background.
    • You can enable this feature by configuring the boolean value for com_appboy_in_app_message_push_test_eager_display_enabled in your appboy.xml. The default value is false.
    • You can also enable this feature at runtime by setting AppboyConfig.setInAppMessageTestPushEagerDisplayEnabled() to true. The default value is false.
  • Added the ability to customize how In-App Messages views are added to the view hierarchy with a custom IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory.
    • See AppboyInAppMessageManager.setCustomInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory().
    • For lightweight customizations, consider extending DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper and overriding getParentViewGroup(), getLayoutParams(), and addInAppMessageViewToViewGroup().
    • Addresses
  • Added Card.setIsDismissibleByUser() to allow for integrators to disable the default swipe-to-dismiss behavior on a per-card basis.
  • Added the ability to set the initial AppboyLogger log level via appboy.xml.
    • In your appboy.xml, set an integer value for com_appboy_logger_initial_log_level. The integer should correspond to a constant in Log, such as Log.VERBOSE which is 2.
    • Values set via AppboyLogger.setLogLevel() take precedence over values set in appboy.xml.
  • Added the ability to use a custom Activity when opening deeplinks inside the app via a WebView. This Activity will be used in place of the default AppboyWebViewActivity.
    • You can do this by configuring the string value for com_appboy_custom_html_webview_activity_class_name in your appboy.xml. Note that the class name used appboy.xml must be the exact class name string as returned from YourClass.class.getName().
    • You can also configure this at runtime by setting AppboyConfig.setCustomWebViewActivityClass().
    • To retrieve the url in your custom WebView:
      final Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
      if (extras.containsKey(Constants.APPBOY_WEBVIEW_URL_EXTRA)) {
      String url = extras.getString(Constants.APPBOY_WEBVIEW_URL_EXTRA);
  • Fixed the inability to scroll through Content Cards when not using standard input mechanisms, aiding accessibility.
    • All Content Card views now have selectable and focusable attributes set to true.
    • Amazon Fire TV integrators should update to this version.
  • Changed AppboyInAppMessageHtmlUserJavascriptInterface.setCustomAttribute() in the HTML javascript bridge to not coerce Double into Float.
  • Fixed default Content Card rendering on low screen density devices. Previously, Content Cards could render without a margin and overflow off screen.
    • @dimens/com_appboy_content_cards_max_width now accurately sets the maximum possible width of a Content Card.
    • @dimens/com_appboy_content_cards_divider_left_margin and @dimens/com_appboy_content_cards_divider_right_margin are now used to provide a margin for Content Cards when the width of the Content Card does not exceed the max width of @dimens/com_appboy_content_cards_max_width.
  • Fixed an issue where images in Content Cards could be resized before they had finished a layout, resulting in an 0 width/height ImageView.
  • InAppMessageImmersiveBase.getMessageButtons() is now guaranteed to be non-null. When buttons are not set on the message, this list will be non-null and empty.
    • Calling InAppMessageImmersiveBase.setMessageButtons() with null will instead clear the MessageButton list
  • Changed the SDK to compile against the 18.0.0 version of the Firebase Cloud Messaging dependency.
  • Updated the exported android-sdk-ui consumer proguard rules to keep javascript interface methods.
  • Changed the WebView used in HTML In-App Messages to have DOM storage enabled via setDomStorageEnabled(true).
  • Changed Content Cards to allow for blank or empty values for the title or description. In these situations, the TextView’s visibility is changed to GONE in the view hierarchy.
  • Removed Constants.APPBOY_WEBVIEW_URL_KEY.


Release Date

⚠ Breaking
  • Added renderUrlIntoInAppMessageView(), renderUrlIntoCardView(), getPushBitmapFromUrl(), and getInAppMessageBitmapFromUrl() to the IAppboyImageLoader interface. These methods provide more information about the rendered object. For example, renderUrlIntoCardView() provides the Card object being rendered in the feed.
    • IAppboyImageLoader.renderUrlIntoView() and IAppboyImageLoader.getBitmapFromUrl() have been removed.
    • For maintaining behavioral parity, renderUrlIntoInAppMessageView() and renderUrlIntoCardView() can reuse your previous IAppboyImageLoader.renderUrlIntoView() implementation while getPushBitmapFromUrl() and getInAppMessageBitmapFromUrl() can reuse your previous IAppboyImageLoader.getBitmapFromUrl() implementation.
    • The Glide IAppboyImageLoader implementation has been updated and can be found here.
  • Removed MessageButton#getIsSecondaryButton() and MessageButton#setIsSecondaryButton().
  • Added support for the upcoming feature, In-App Messages in Dark Mode.
    • Dark Mode enabled messages must be created from the dashboard. Braze does not dynamically theme In-App Messages for Dark Mode.
    • Added IInAppMessageThemeable interface to In-App Messages, which adds enableDarkTheme() to In-App Messages.
    • To configure/disable Braze from automatically applying a Dark Theme (when available from Braze’s servers), use a custom IInAppMessageManagerListener.
      • 1
          if (inAppMessage instanceof IInAppMessageThemeable && ViewUtils.isDeviceInNightMode(AppboyInAppMessageManager.getInstance().getApplicationContext())) {
            ((IInAppMessageThemeable) inAppMessage).enableDarkTheme();
  • Added Card.isContentCard().
  • Added the ability to use an existing color resource for com_appboy_default_notification_accent_color in your appboy.xml.
    • For example: <color name="com_appboy_default_notification_accent_color">@color/my_color_here</color>.
  • Fixed an edge case where the AppboyInAppMessageManager could throw an NullPointerException if an in-app message was in the process of animating out while AppboyInAppMessageManager.unregisterInAppMessageManager() was called.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple subscribers to Content Cards updates could cause a ConcurrentModificationException if they simultaneously attempted to mutate the list returned in ContentCardsUpdatedEvent.getAllCards().
    • ContentCardsUpdatedEvent.getAllCards() now returns a shallow copy of the list of Content Cards model objects.
  • Fixed an issue (introduced in 3.7.0) where the background color for fullscreen in-app messages was not set.
  • Fixed an issue (introduced in 3.7.0) were images for fullscreen in-app messages would not appear on API 21 and below devices.


Release Date

  • Added IInAppMessage.setExtras() to set extras on In-App Messages.
  • Fixed an issue where a slow loading HTML In-App Message could throw an exception if the Activity changed before onPageFinished() was called.


Release Date

Known Issues
  • This release introduced issues with in-app message unregistration (AppboyInAppMessageManager.unregisterInAppMessageManager()) and fullscreen in-app messages. These issues have been fixed in version 3.8.0 of the SDK.
  • Added the applyWindowInsets() method to IInAppMessageView interface. This allows for granular customization at the in-app message view level with respect to device notches.
  • The old configuration key used in appboy.xml for disabling location collection com_appboy_disable_location_collection is now deleted. This key is replaced by com_appboy_enable_location_collection. The default value of com_appboy_disable_location_collection is false. Braze location collection is disabled by default starting with Braze SDK version 3.6.0.
  • Removes the Feedback feature from the SDK. All Feedback methods on the SDK, including Appboy.submitFeedback() and Appboy.logFeedbackDisplayed(), are removed.
  • Changed the behavior of In-App Messages to allow analytics to be logged again when the same In-App Message is displaying a new time.
  • Improves support for in-app messages on “notched” devices (for example, iPhone X, Pixel 3XL). Full-screen messages now expand to fill the entire screen of any phone, while covering the status bar.
  • Changed the behavior of HTML In-App Messages to not display until the content has finished loading as determined via WebViewClient#onPageFinished() on the in-app message’s WebView.


Release Date

  • External user ids (provided via Appboy.changeUser()), are now limited to 997 bytes in UTF-8 encoding.
    • Existing user IDs will be truncated to 997 bytes in UTF-8 encoding.
    • New user IDs (via Appboy.changeUser()) will be rejected if too long.
    • This byte limit can be read in code via Constants#USER_ID_MAX_LENGTH_BYTES.
  • Added IInAppMessage.getMessageType() to return the MessageType enum for easier in-app message type checking.
  • Braze location collection is disabled by default. If you choose to use our location services, you must explicitly enable location services.
    • You can do this by configuring the boolean value for com_appboy_enable_location_collection in your appboy.xml. The default value is false.
    • You can also enable location collection at runtime by setting AppboyConfig.setIsLocationCollectionEnabled() to true.
    • The old configuration value com_appboy_disable_location_collection in appboy.xml is deprecated. It should be replaced with new configuration value of com_appboy_enable_location_collection.
  • Added AppboyContentCardsFragment.getContentCardsRecyclerView() to obtain the RecyclerView associated with the Content Cards fragment.
  • Added AppboyInAppMessageManager.getDefaultInAppMessageViewFactory() to simplify most custom implementations of IInAppMessageViewFactory.
  • Changed the click target area of in-app message close buttons to 48dp. The close button drawable was increased to 20dp from 14dp.
    • The width/height in dp of this click target can be configured with a dimens override for com_appboy_in_app_message_close_button_click_area_width and com_appboy_in_app_message_close_button_click_area_height respectively.
  • Changed UriUtils.getQueryParameters() to handle the parsing of an opaque/non-hierarchical Uri such as mailto: or tel:.


  • Removed IAppboyUnitySupport interface from Appboy singleton object. Its methods have been added to the IAppboy interface.
  • The IAction in IContentCardsActionListener.onContentCardClicked() is now annotated as @Nullable. Previously, this field was always non-null.
  • Fixed an issue where FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK was not added to configured back stack Activities when opening push. This resulted in push notifications failing to open deep links in that situation.
    • Custom push back stack Activities are set via AppboyConfig.setPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityClass().
  • Added Appboy.getCachedContentCards() to provide an easier way to obtain the cached/offline list of Content Cards on the device.
  • Added Appboy.deserializeContentCard() to allow for the deserialization of a Content Card. Useful for custom integrations that store the Content Cards data models in their own storage and recreate the Content Card afterwards.
  • Deprecated Card.isEqualTo() in favor of using Card.equals().
  • Fixed behavior in Content Cards and News Feed where cards without a click action wouldn’t have their client click listeners called.


  • Added support for Android 10 Q (API 29).
    • With the addition of the android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission in Android Q, this permission is now required for Braze Geofences to work on Android Q+ devices. Please see the documentation for more information.
    • The AppboyNotificationRoutingActivity class is now sent with the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY Intent flag. This is not expected to be a user visible change nor will require any integration changes.
  • Added the ability to enable Braze Geofences without enabling Braze location collection. Set AppboyConfig.setGeofencesEnabled() or com_appboy_geofences_enabled in your appboy.xml to enable Braze Geofences.
    • Note that Braze Geofences will continue to work on existing integrations if location collection is enabled and this new configuration is not present. This new configuration is intended for integrations that want Braze Geofences, but not location collection enabled as well.
  • Added Appboy.setGoogleAdvertisingId() to pass a Google Advertising ID and Ad Tracking Limiting enabled flag back to Braze. Note that the SDK will not automatically collect either field.
  • Fixed in-app message buttons not properly respecting colors when using a Material Design style theme.
  • Geofences on Android Q+ devices will not work without the android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission.
  • Changed the signature of IInAppMessageManagerListener.onInAppMessageButtonClicked() to include the in-app message of the clicked button.
  • Removed the deprecated AppboyWebViewActivity.URL_EXTRA. Please use Constants.APPBOY_WEBVIEW_URL_EXTRA instead.


Known Issues
  • If using a defined back stack Activity (set via AppboyConfig.setPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityClass()), then push notifications containing deep links won’t be opened. This behavior is fixed in 3.4.1.
  • Changed the behavior of push deep links to not restart the launcher activity of the app when clicked.
  • Changed the broadcast receiver responsible for sealing sessions after the session timeout to use goAsync to lower the occurrence of ANRs on certain devices.
    • This ANR would contain the constant APPBOY_SESSION_SHOULD_SEAL in the Google Play Console.
  • Changed the default video poster (the large black & white play icon) used by default in HTML in-app messages to be transparent.
  • Added support for long type event properties.
  • Fixed fullscreen in-app messages on notched devices rendering with a gap at the top of the in-app message.
  • Fixed behavior of in-app messages where modal display would take up the entire screen after successive rotations on older devices.


  • Improved the reliability of the session start location logic when location collection is enabled.
  • Changed the in-app message trigger behavior to not perform custom event triggering until any pending server trigger requests have finished.
  • Fixed a bug in AppboyInAppMessageImageView that made images loaded with Glide appear blurry or not appear when setting an aspect ratio.


  • Added AppboyFirebaseMessagingService.handleBrazeRemoteMessage() to facilitate forwarding a Firebase RemoteMessage from your FirebaseMessagingService to the AppboyFirebaseMessagingService.
    • AppboyFirebaseMessagingService.handleBrazeRemoteMessage() will return false if the argument RemoteMessage did not originate from Braze. In that case, the AppboyFirebaseMessagingService will do nothing.
    • A helper method AppboyFirebaseMessagingService.isBrazePushNotification() will also return true if the RemoteMessage originated from Braze.


  • Fixed an issue with AppboyInAppMessageBoundedLayout having a custom styleable attribute that collided with a preset Android attribute.


  • Please note the breaking push changes in release 3.1.1 regarding the AppboyFirebaseMessagingService before upgrading to this version.
  • Fixed an issue where a filename’s canonical path was not validated during zip file extraction.
  • Fixed an issue where the SDK setup verification would erroneously always log a warning that the AppboyFcmReceiver was registered using the old intent-filter.
  • Improved the look and feel of in-app messages to adhere to the latest UX and UI best practices. Changes affect font sizes, padding, and responsiveness across all message types. Now supports button border styling.
  • Added collection of ActivityManager.isBackgroundRestricted() to device collection information.


  • Added AppboyFirebaseMessagingService to directly use the Firebase messaging event This is now the required way to integrate Firebase push with Braze. The AppboyFcmReceiver should be removed from your AndroidManifest and replaced with the following:
    • 1
      <service android:name="com.appboy.AppboyFirebaseMessagingService">
          <action android:name="" />
    • Also note that any c2dm related permissions should be removed from your manifest as Braze does not require any extra permissions for AppboyFirebaseMessagingService to work correctly.
  • Changed signature of Appboy.logPushNotificationActionClicked().
  • Added ability to render HTML elements in push notifications via AppboyConfig.setPushHtmlRenderingEnabled() and also com_appboy_push_notification_html_rendering_enabled in your appboy.xml.
    • This allows the ability to use “multicolor” text in your push notifications.
    • Note that html rendering be used on all push notification text fields when this feature is enabled.
  • Fixed behavior where the app would be reopened after clicking notification action buttons with a “close” button.
  • Fixed behavior where in-app messages would not apply proper margins on devices with notched displays and would appear obscured by the notch.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the enum DeviceKey to be unavailable in our public API.
  • Fixed an issue in the AppboyFcmReceiver where the “is uninstall tracking push” method was looking for the extras bundle before its preprocessing into a bundle. This would result in uninstall tracking push being forwarded to your broadcast receiver as a silent push when it should not.
  • Fixed an issue in the AppboyLruImageLoader where very large bitmaps stored in the cache could throw OutOfMemoryError when retrieving them from the cache.
  • Changed behavior of the Feed and Content Cards image loader to always resize images to their true source aspect ratio after download.


  • Renamed AppboyNotificationUtils.wakeScreenIfHasPermission() to AppboyNotificationUtils.wakeScreenIfAppropriate(). Wakelocks can now be configured to not wake the device screen for push notifications.
    • This can be set via AppboyConfig.setIsPushWakeScreenForNotificationEnabled() and also com_appboy_push_wake_screen_for_notification_enabled in your appboy.xml.
  • A drop-in AppboyContentCardsActivity class has been added which can be used to display Braze Content Cards.
  • Added an appboyBridge ready event to know precisely when the appboyBridge has finished loading in the context of an HTML in-app message.
    • Example below:
       <script type="text/javascript">
         function logMyCustomEvent() {
           appboyBridge.logCustomEvent('My Custom Event');
         window.addEventListener('ab.BridgeReady', logMyCustomEvent, false);
  • Added Constants.TRAFFIC_STATS_THREAD_TAG to identify the Braze network traffic with the TrafficStats API.
  • Added the ability to configure a blacklist of Activity classes to disable automatic session handling and in-app message registration in the AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener. See AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener.setActivityClassInAppMessagingRegistrationBlacklist(), AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener.setActivityClassSessionHandlingBlacklist(), and constructor AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener(boolean, boolean, Set<Class>, Set<Class>).
  • Deprecated the Feedback feature. This feature is disabled for new accounts, and will be removed in a future SDK release.
  • Changed the deprecated status of the AppboyNotificationUtils.isUninstallTrackingPush() method. Note that uninstall tracking notifications will not be forwarded to registered receivers.
  • Improved in-app message triggering logic to fall back to lower priority messages when the Braze server aborts templating (e.g. from a Connected Content abort in the message body, or because the user is no longer in the correct segment for the message)


  • Deprecated Card.isRead() and Card.setIsRead(). Please use Card.isIndicatorHighlighted() and Card.setIndicatorHighlighted() instead.
  • Added Card.isClicked(). Clicks made through Card.logClick() are now saved locally on the device for Content Cards.
  • Added AppboyConfig.setIsInAppMessageAccessibilityExclusiveModeEnabled() which forces accessibility readers to only be able to read currently displaying in-app messages and no other screen contents.
    • This can also be set via com_appboy_device_in_app_message_accessibility_exclusive_mode_enabled in your appboy.xml.


  • From AppboyConfig, removed getEnableBackgroundLocationCollection(), getLocationUpdateTimeIntervalSeconds(), and getLocationUpdateDistance() and their respective setters in AppboyConfig.Builder.
  • Removed AppboyInAppMessageImmersiveBaseView.getMessageButtonsView().
  • Removed the Fresco image library from the SDK. To displaying GIFs, you must use a custom image library. Please see IAppboy#setAppboyImageLoader(IAppboyImageLoader).
    • We recommend the Glide Image Library as a Fresco replacement.
    • AppboyConfig.Builder.setFrescoLibraryEnabled() has been removed.
    • AppboyConfigurationProvider.getIsFrescoLibraryUseEnabled() has been removed.
  • Fixed a NPE issue with the RecyclerView while saving the instance state in the AppboyContentCardsFragment.
  • Added the ability to set location custom attributes on the html in-app message javascript interface.
  • Added compatibility with androidX dependencies.
    • This initial release adds direct compatibility for classes found under the com.appboy.push package. These classes are commonly used in conjunction with an IAppboyNotificationFactory. To use these compatible classes, add the following gradle import: implementation 'com.appboy:android-sdk-ui-x:VERSION' and replace your imports to fall under the com.appboy.uix.push package.
    • The gradle properties android.enableJetifier=true and android.useAndroidX=true are required when using androidX libraries with the Braze SDK.
  • Added nullability annotation to Appboy and AppboyUser for better Kotlin interoperability.
  • Added the ability to optionally whitelist keys in the device object. See AppboyConfig.Builder.setDeviceObjectWhitelistEnabled() and AppboyConfig.Builder.setDeviceObjectWhitelist() for more information.
    • The following example showcases whitelisting the device object to only include the Android OS version and device locale in the device object.
        new AppboyConfig.Builder()
            .setDeviceObjectWhitelist(EnumSet.of(DeviceKey.ANDROID_VERSION, DeviceKey.LOCALE));
  • Removed the ability to optionally track locations in the background.
  • Removed Cross Promotion cards from the News Feed.
    • Cross Promotion cards have also been removed as a card model and will thus no longer be returned.
  • Updated the Baidu China Push sample to use the version 2.9 Baidu JNI libraries and version of the Baidu jar.


  • Renamed AppboyGcmReceiver to AppboyFcmReceiver. This receiver is intended to be used for Firebase integrations and thus the intent-filter action in your AndroidManifest should be removed.
  • Removed AppboyConfigurationProvider.isGcmMessagingRegistrationEnabled(), AppboyConfigurationProvider.getGcmSenderId(), AppboyConfig.Builder.setGcmSenderId(), and AppboyConfig.Builder.setGcmMessagingRegistrationEnabled().
  • Changed custom event property values validation to allow for empty strings.


  • Introduced support for the Content Cards feature, which will eventually replace the existing News Feed feature and adds significant capability.
  • Updated the minimum SDK version from 14 (Ice Cream Sandwich) to 16 (Jelly Bean).
  • Added AppboyUser.setLocationCustomAttribute() and AppboyUser.unsetLocationCustomAttribute().


  • Changed the behavior of push stories to ensure that after the story initially appears in the notification tray, subsequent page traversal clicks don’t alert the user again.
  • The Braze SDK now automatically records when the user has disabled notifications at the app level.
    • The appboy.xml com_appboy_notifications_enabled_tracking_on boolean attribute and AppboyConfig.Builder.setNotificationsEnabledTrackingOn() have been deprecated and are no longer used.
    • This allows users to more effectively opt-out of push and leads to a more accurate push notification reachable audience.
  • Fixed an issue where, when the lock screen was present, notification action button and push story body clicks would not open the application immediately. Added AppboyNotificationRoutingActivity for handling notification action button and push story body clicks.
  • Fixed an issue where, for non fullscreen activities targeting API 27, requesting an orientation on activities would throw an exception.


  • Added isControl() to the IInAppMessage interface.
  • Added logDisplayFailure() to the IInAppMessage interface. In-app message display failures may affect campaign statistics so care should be taken when logging display failures.
  • Added the InAppMessageControl class to represent control in-app messages. Control in-app messages should not be displayed to users and should only call logImpression() at render time.
    • Requesting in-app message display, even if the stack is non-empty, may potentially lead to no in-app message displaying if the in-app message is a control in-app message.
  • Added AppboyInAppMessageManager.setCustomControlInAppMessageManagerListener() to modify the lifecycle behavior for control in-app messages.
  • Removed logInAppMessageClick, logInAppMessageButtonClick, and logInAppMessageImpression from Appboy Unity player subclasses and AppboyUnityActivityWrapper.
  • Removed AppboyConfigurationProvider.getIsUilImageCacheDisabled() and AppboyConfig.Builder.setDisableUilImageCache().
  • Fixed the issue where in-app messages triggered on session start could potentially be templated with the old user’s attributes.
  • Fixed a bug where calling Appboy.wipeData() or Appboy.disableSdk() could potentially lead to null instances being returned from Appboy.getInstance().
  • Fixed the issue where push deep links did not respect the back stack behavior when instructed to open inside the app’s WebView.
  • Fixed a bug where the push received broadcast action contained the host package name twice.


  • Fixed a bug where calling Appboy.wipeData() would throw an uncaught exception when the Google Play location services library was not present.
  • Added the ability to listen for notification deleted intents from the AppboyGcmReceiver via the action suffix AppboyNotificationUtils.APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_DELETED_SUFFIX.
  • Added a notification creation timestamp to notifications built from the AppboyGcmReceiver. This allows for calculating the duration of a notification. Intents will contain Constants.APPBOY_PUSH_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP_MILLIS in the intent extras bundle.
  • Deprecated AppboyNotificationUtils.isUninstallTrackingPush() to always return false. Uninstall tracking no longer requires sending a silent push notification to devices.


Known Issues with version 2.3.0
  • If the Google Play location services library is not present, calls to Appboy.wipeData() will throw an uncaught exception.
  • Removed the appboyInAppMessageCustomFontFile custom xml attribute. Custom font typefaces must now be located in the res/font directory.
    • To override a Braze style, both android:fontFamily and fontFamily style attributes must be set to maintain compatibility across all SDK versions. Example below: ```


    • See for more information.
  • Removed and
  • Removed the AppboyGeofenceService. Geofence integration no longer requires a manifest registration. Any reference to AppboyGeofenceService can safely be removed from your manifest.
  • Renamed AppboyUnityPlayerNativeActivityWrapper to AppboyUnityActivityWrapper.
  • Fixed a bug where sessions could be opened and closed with a null activity.
  • Added the ability to have the Braze SDK automatically register for Firebase Cloud Messaging.
    • Enabled via com_appboy_firebase_cloud_messaging_registration_enabled boolean attribute in XML or via AppboyConfig.Builder.setIsFirebaseCloudMessagingRegistrationEnabled().
    • The Firebase Cloud Messaging Sender ID is set via com_appboy_firebase_cloud_messaging_sender_id string attribute in XML or via AppboyConfig.Builder.setFirebaseCloudMessagingSenderIdKey().
    • The Firebase Cloud Messaging dependencies must still be compiled into your project. The Braze SDK does not compile any Firebase Cloud Messaging dependencies as part of this release.
  • Added UnityPlayerActivity support to AppboyUnityActivityWrapper. Previously only UnityPlayerNativeActivity was supported.
  • Added a AppboyUnityPlayerActivity class for the UnityPlayerActivity for both prime31 and non-prime31 integrations.


  • Added support for wiping all customer data created by the Braze SDK via Appboy.wipeData().
  • Added Appboy.disableSdk() to disable the Braze SDK.
  • Added Appboy.enableSdk() to re-enable the SDK after a call to Appboy.disableSdk().
  • Changed AppboyInAppMessageWebViewClientListener to call onDismissed() when onCloseAction() gets called for HTML in-app messages.
  • Fixed an issue where internal thread pool executors could get blocked on a long running task and throw RejectedExecutionException.


  • Added AppboyConfig.Builder.setIsSessionStartBasedTimeoutEnabled() which optionally sets the session timeout behavior to be either session-start or session-end based. The default behavior is to be session-end based.
    • The use of this flag is recommended for long (30 minutes or longer) session timeout values.
    • This value can also be configured via appboy.xml with the boolean com_appboy_session_start_based_timeout_enabled set to true.


  • Added support for any custom image library to work with in-app messages and the news feed, including the Glide Image Library.
    • Please see IAppboy#setAppboyImageLoader(IAppboyImageLoader) for how to set a custom image library.
  • Added the Glide Image Integration sample app, showcasing how to use the Glide Library.


  • Updated the proguard rules for Fresco and Notification Enabled Tracking.


  • The Braze SDK may now optionally record when the user has disabled notifications at the app level.
    • Enabled via appboy.xml using the com_appboy_notifications_enabled_tracking_on boolean attribute or via AppboyConfig.Builder.setNotificationsEnabledTrackingOn().
    • If using proguard in your app and Braze SDK v2.2.2 or below, please add -keep class { *; } to your proguard rules.
    • (Update) Note that starting with Braze Android SDK Version 2.5.1, this feature is now automatically enabled.


  • Added Other, Unknown, Not Applicable, and Prefer not to Say options for user gender.


  • Removed Appboy.requestInAppMessageRefresh() and removed support for Original in-app messages. Note that all customers on version 2.2.0 and newer should use triggered in-app messages.
  • Changed the signature of most methods on the IAppboy interface. Methods that logged values now return void instead of boolean.
    • IAppboy.openSession() now returns void.
    • IAppboy.closeSession now returns void.
    • IAppboy.changeUser() now returns void. To get the current user, please call IAppboy.getCurrentUser().
    • IAppboy.logCustomEvent() and all method overloads now return void.
    • IAppboy.logPurchase() and all method overloads now return void.
    • IAppboy.submitFeedback() now returns void.
    • IAppboy.logPushNotificationOpened() now returns void.
    • IAppboy.logPushNotificationActionClicked() now returns void.
    • IAppboy.logFeedDisplayed() now returns void.
    • IAppboy.logFeedbackDisplayed() now returns void.
  • Removed AppboyFeedbackFragment.FeedbackResult.ERROR.
  • Changed AppboyFeedbackFragment.FeedbackFinishedListener to AppboyFeedbackFragment.IFeedbackFinishedListener.
  • Changed AppboyFeedbackFragment.FeedbackResult.SENT to AppboyFeedbackFragment.FeedbackResult.SUBMITTED.
  • Removed Appboy.fetchAndRenderImage(). Please use getAppboyImageLoader().renderUrlIntoView() instead.
  • Removed AppboyFileUtils.getExternalStorage().
  • Added Push Stories, a new push type that uses DecoratedCustomViewStyle to display multiple images in a single notification. We recommend posting push stories to a notification channel with vibration disabled to avoid repeated vibrations as the user navigates through the story.
  • The Braze singleton now internally performs most actions on a background thread, giving a very substantial performance boost to all actions on the Appboy singleton.


  • Reduced the number of connections made when the Braze SDK downloads files and images. Note that the amount of data downloaded has not changed.


  • Added a check on Braze initialization for the “Calypso AppCrawler” indexing bot that disables all Braze network requests when found. This prevents erroneous Braze data from being sent for Firebase app indexing crawlers.
  • Added the ability to disable adding an activity to the back stack when automatically following push deep links. Previously, the app’s main activity would automatically be added to the back stack.
    • Enabled via appboy.xml using the com_appboy_push_deep_link_back_stack_activity_enabled boolean attribute or via AppboyConfig.Builder.setPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityEnabled().
  • Added the ability to specify a custom activity to open on the back stack when automatically following push deep links. Previously, only the app’s main activity could be used.
    • The custom activity is set via appboy.xml using the com_appboy_push_deep_link_back_stack_activity_class_name string attribute or via AppboyConfig.Builder.setPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityClass(). Note that the class name used in the appboy.xml must be the exact class name string as returned from YourClass.class.getName().
  • Added the setLanguage() method to AppboyUser to allow explicit control over the language you use in the Braze dashboard to localize your messaging content.
  • Added support for acquiring wake locks on Android O using the notification channel importance instead of the individual notification’s priority.


  • Fixed a bug where implicit intents for custom push broadcast receivers would be suppressed in devices running Android O.
  • Updated the Braze ProGuard configuration to ensure Google Play Services classes required by Geofencing aren’t renamed.


  • Fixed a bug where sealed session flushes would not be sent on apps with long session timeouts due to Android O background service limitations.


  • Added the ability to set a custom API endpoint via appboy.xml using the com_appboy_custom_endpoint string attribute or via AppboyConfig.Builder.setCustomEndpoint().
  • Fixed a bug where date custom attributes were formatted in the device’s locale, which could result in incorrectly formatted dates. Date custom attributes are now always formatted in Locale.US.


  • Updated the minimum SDK version from 9 (Gingerbread) to 14 (Ice Cream Sandwich).
  • Removed the deprecated field: AppboyLogger.LogLevel. Please use AppboyLogger.setLogLevel() and AppboyLogger.getLogLevel() instead.
  • Updated the v4 support library dependency to version 26.0.0. To download Android Support Libraries versions 26.0.0 and above, you must add the following line to your top-level build.gradle repositories block:
    maven {
      url ""
  • Added support for Android O notification channels. In the case that a Braze notification does not contain the id for a notification channel, Braze will fallback to a default notification channel. Other than the default notification channel, Braze will not create any channels. All other channels must be programatically defined by the host app.
    • Note that default notification channel creation will occur even if your app does not target Android O. If you would like to avoid default channel creation until your app targets Android O, do not upgrade to this version.
    • To set the user facing name of the default Braze notification channel, please use AppboyConfig.setDefaultNotificationChannelName().
    • To set the user facing description of the default Braze notification channel, please use AppboyConfig.setDefaultNotificationChannelDescription().
  • Updated the target SDK version to 26.


  • Fixed a bug where relative links in href tags in HTML in-app messages would get passed as file Uris to the AppboyNavigator.
  • Added Double as a valid value type on AppboyUser.setCustomUserAttribute().
  • Added user aliasing capability. Aliases can be used in the API and dashboard to identify users in addition to their ID. See the addAlias method on AppboyUser for more information.


  • Made further improvements to Braze singleton initialization performance.


  • Enabled TLS 1.2 for Braze HTTPS connections running on API 16+ devices. Previously, for devices running on API 16-20, only TLS 1.0 was enabled by default.
  • Improved Braze singleton initialization performance.


  • Fixed a bug where identifying a user while a request was in flight could cause newly written attributes on the old user to be orphaned in local storage.


  • Added support for displaying Youtube videos inside of HTML in-app messages and the Braze Webview. For HTML in-app messages, this requires hardware acceleration to be enabled in the Activity where the in-app message is being displayed, please see Please note that hardware acceleration is only available on API versions 11 and above.
  • Added the ability to access Braze’s default notification builder instance from custom IAppboyNotificationFactory instances. This simplifies making small changes to Appboy’s default notification handling.
  • Improved AppboyImageUtils.getBitmap() by adding the ability to sample images using preset view bounds.


  • Removed the following deprecated methods and fields:
    • Removed the unsupported method Appboy.logShare().
    • Removed Appboy.logPurchase(String, int).
    • Removed Appboy.logFeedCardImpression() and Appboy.logFeedCardClick(). Please use Card.logClick() and Card.logImpression() instead.
    • Removed the unsupported method Appboy.getAppboyResourceEndpoint().
    • Removed IAppboyEndpointProvider.getResourceEndpoint(). Please update your interface implementation if applicable.
    • Removed Appboy.registerAppboyGcmMessages(). Please use Appboy.registerAppboyPushMessages() instead.
    • Removed AppboyInAppMessageBaseView.resetMessageMargins(). Please use AppboyInAppMessageBaseView.resetMessageMargins(boolean) instead.
    • Removed com.appboy.unity.AppboyUnityGcmReceiver. To open Braze push deep links automatically in Unity, set the boolean configuration parameter com_appboy_inapp_show_inapp_messages_automatically to true in your appboy.xml.
    • Removed the unsupported method AppboyUser.setBio().
    • Removed AppboyUser.setIsSubscribedToEmails(). Please use AppboyUser.setEmailNotificationSubscriptionType() instead.
    • Removed Constants.APPBOY_PUSH_CUSTOM_URI_KEY. Please use Constants.APPBOY_PUSH_DEEP_LINK_KEY instead.
    • Removed com.appboy.ui.actions.ViewAction and com.appboy.ui.actions.WebAction.
    • Removed CardCategory.ALL_CATEGORIES. Please use CardCategory.getAllCategories() instead.
    • Removed AppboyImageUtils.storePushBitmapInExternalStorage().
    • Removed AppboyFileUtils.canStoreAssetsLocally() and AppboyFileUtils.getApplicationCacheDir().
    • Removed InAppMessageModal.getModalFrameColor() and InAppMessageModal.setModalFrameColor(). Please use InAppMessageModal.getFrameColor() and InAppMessageModal.setFrameColor() instead.
    • Removed com.appboy.enums.SocialNetwork.
    • Removed AppboyNotificationUtils.getAppboyExtras(). Please use AppboyNotificationUtils.getAppboyExtrasWithoutPreprocessing() instead.
    • Removed AppboyNotificationUtils.setLargeIconIfPresentAndSupported(Context, AppboyConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder). Please use AppboyNotificationUtils.setLargeIconIfPresentAndSupported(Context, AppboyConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) instead.
    • Removed AppboyInAppMessageManager.hideCurrentInAppMessage(). Please use AppboyInAppMessageManager.hideCurrentlyDisplayingInAppMessage() instead.
  • Changed method signatures for gotoNewsFeed() and gotoURI() in IAppboyNavigator. Please update your interface implementation if applicable.
  • Removed Appboy.unregisterAppboyPushMessages(). Please use AppboyUser.setPushNotificationSubscriptionType() instead.
  • Moved getAppboyNavigator() and setAppboyNavigator() from to
  • The Braze Baidu China Push integration now uses the Baidu channelId as the push token. Please update your push token registration code to pass channelId instead of userId into Appboy.registerAppboyPushMessages(). The China Push sample has been updated.
  • Removed the wearboy and wear-library modules. Android Wear 1.0 is no longer supported. Please remove AppboyWearableListenerService from your AndroidManifest.xml if applicable.
  • Added a javascript interface to HTML in-app messages with ability to log custom events, purchases, user attributes, navigate users, and close the messaage.
  • Added the ability to set a single delegate object to custom handle all Uris opened by Braze across in-app messages, push, and the news feed. Your delegate object should implement the IAppboyNavigator interface and be set using AppboyNavigator.setAppboyNavigator().
    • See for an example implementation.
    • You must also provide instructions for Braze to navigate to your app’s (optional) news feed implementation. To use Braze’s default handling, call AppboyNavigator.executeNewsFeedAction(context, uriAction);.
    • Note: Previously, AppboyNavigator was only used when opening in-app messages.
  • Removed the need to manually add declarations for Braze’s news feed and in-app message activities (AppboyFeedActivity and AppboyWebViewActivity) to the app AndroidManifest.xml. If you have these declarations in your manifest, they can be safely removed.
  • Push notifications with web url click actions now open in an in-app webview instead of the external mobile web browser when clicked.


  • Added support for registering geofences with Google Play Services and messaging on geofence events. Please reach out to for more information about this feature.
  • Support for share type notification action buttons and custom notification action buttons was removed.
  • Push deep links that can be handled by the current app are automatically opened using the current app. Previously, if another app could handle the deep link as well, a chooser dialog would open.
    • Thanks to catacom
    • See
  • AppboyImageUtils.storePushBitmapInExternalStorage() has been deprecated.


  • Renamed the android-sdk-jar artifact in the gh-pages branch to android-sdk-base and changed its format from jar to aar. Most integrations depend on android-sdk-ui and won’t need to take any action.
    • Note: If you were compiling android-sdk-jar in your build.gradle, you must now compile android-sdk-base.
  • Added the ability to set custom read and unread icons for News Feed cards. To do so, override the Appboy.Cards.ImageSwitcher style in your styles.xml and add appboyFeedCustomReadIcon and appboyFeedCustomUnReadIcon drawable attributes.
  • Added a sample app showcasing the FCM + Braze push integration. See /samples/firebase-push.
  • Added a sample app for manual session integration. See /samples/manual-session-integration.
  • Removed the -dontoptimize flag from Braze’s UI consumer proguard rules. See for the latest Proguard config.
    • Thanks to mnonnenmacher
    • See
  • Updated the Droidboy project to use the conventional Android Build System folder structure.


  • Added the ability to configure Braze completely at runtime using Appboy.configure(). Values set at runtime take precedence over their counterparts in appboy.xml. A complete example of Braze runtime configuration is available in our Hello Appboy sample app’s application class.
    • Renamed com.appboy.configuration.XmlAppConfigurationProvider to com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider.
    • Appboy.configure(String) changed to Appboy.configure(Context, AppboyConfig). To maintain parity, replace your current usage with the following equivalent snippit:
      AppboyConfig appboyConfig = new AppboyConfig.Builder()
      Appboy.configure(this, appboyConfig);
  • Fixed an issue where in-app messages triggered off of push clicks wouldn’t fire because the push click happened before the in-app message configuration was synced to the device.
  • Updated Appboy.registerAppboyPushMessages() to flush the subscription to the server immediately.
  • Improved the accessibility-mode behavior of in-app messages.


  • Added the ability to toggle outbound network requests from the Braze SDK online/offline. See Appboy.setOutboundNetworkRequestsOffline() for more details.
  • Fixed a bug that caused session sealed automatic data flushes to not occur.
  • Removed Braze notification action button icons and icon constants.


  • Fixed a bug where in-app messages triggered while no activity was registered with AppboyInAppMessageManager would be dropped.


  • Fixed a bug where in-app messages triggered while no activity was registered with AppboyInAppMessageManager would be displayed without assets.


  • Added Hebrew localization strings.
  • Improved the initialization time of the Braze SDK.
  • Removed fetching of the device hardware serial number as part of device metadata collection.


  • Deprecated AppboyInAppMessageManager.hideCurrentInAppMessage(). Please use AppboyInAppMessageManager.hideCurrentlyDisplayingInAppMessage() instead.
  • Added the option to handle session tracking and InAppMessageManager registration automatically on apps with a minimum supported SDK of API level 14 or above. This is done by registering an AppboyLifecycleCallbackListener instance using Application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(). See the Hello Appboy sample app’s application class for an example.
  • Added support for upgraded in-app messages including image-only messages, improved image sizing/cropping, text scrolling, text alignment, configurable orientation, and configurable frame color.
  • Added support for in-app messages triggered on custom event properties, purchase properties, and in-app message clicks.
  • Added support for templating event properties within in-app messages.
  • Added the ability to optionally open deep links and the main activity of the app automatically when a user clicks a push notification, eliminating the need to write a custom BroadcastReceiver for Braze push. To activate, set the boolean property com_appboy_handle_push_deep_links_automatically to true in your appboy.xml. Note that even when automatic deep link opening is enabled, Braze push opened and received intents will still be sent. To avoid double opening, remove your custom BroadcastReceiver or modify it to not open deep links.


  • Fixed a bug where images in short news and cross promotion News Feed cards would appear too small on high resolution devices. This bug did not affect Fresco users.
  • Updated Baidu push service jar from v4.6.2.38 to v5.1.0.48.


  • Renamed disableAllAppboyNetworkRequests() to enableMockAppboyNetworkRequestsAndDropEventsMode() and fixes a bug where calling Appboy.changeUser() would cause a network request even in disabled/mocked mode. Note that enableMockAppboyNetworkRequestsAndDropEventsMode should only be used in testing environments.
  • Added the ability to log negatively-priced purchases.
  • Added the option to sort News Feed cards based on read/unread status.
  • Added a custom News Feed click delegate. To handle News Feed clicks manually, implement IFeedClickActionListener and register an instance using AppboyFeedManager.getInstance().setFeedCardClickActionListener(). This enables use-cases such as selectively using the native browser to open web links.
  • Added the ability to include file separators in User Ids.
  • Changes Braze’s default Log Level from VERBOSE to INFO. Previously disabled debug log statements are enabled and available for debugging. To change Braze’s Log Level, update the value of AppboyLogger.LogLevel, e.g. AppboyLogger.LogLevel = Log.VERBOSE.
  • Removed keep rules from consumerProguardFiles automatic Proguard configuration for potentially improved optimization for client apps. Note that client apps that Proguard Braze code must now store release mapping files for Braze to interpret stack traces. If you would like to continue to keep all Braze code, add -keep class** { *; } and -keep class com.appboy.** { *; } to your Proguard configuration.
    • See
  • Removed onRetainInstance() from the Braze News Feed fragment. As a result, the News Feed may be used in nested fragments.


  • Defined com_appboy_card_background to provide simpler control of news feed card background color.
  • Added a convenience method to Month to allow direct instantiation from a month integer.
  • Fixed a database access race condition in changeUser code.
    • See and
  • Removed optimizations from the private library’s Proguard configuration to allow dexing Braze with Jack and Android Gradle Plugin 2.2.0+.


  • Added ability to set push and email subscription state from Droidboy.
  • Open sourced Braze’s Unity plugin library code.


  • Added the ability to set the large notification icon from within the GCM payload.
  • Added consumerProguardFiles automatic Proguard configuration.
  • Fixed a bug where triggered HTML in-app messages would not always send button analytics.
  • Updated Baidu push service jar from v4.3.0.4 to v4.6.2.38.
  • Updated to log analytics for in-app messages and in-app message buttons with ‘NONE’ click actions.
  • Updated the Droidboy sample app to use material design.
  • Updated the Hello Appboy sample app to use Proguard.


  • Fixed bug where passing a JSONObject with multiple invalid keys or values to the AppboyProperties constructor would cause a ConcurrentModificationException.


  • Added handling to a case where certain devices were returning null Resources for GCM BroadcastReceiver onReceive contexts.


  • Added support for action-based, locally triggered in-app messages. In-app messages are now sent to the device at session start with associated trigger events. The SDK will display in-app messages in near real-time when the trigger event associated with a message occurs. Trigger events can be app opens, push opens, purchases, and custom events.
  • Deprecated the old system of requesting in-app message display, now collectively known as ‘original’ in-app messaging, where messages were limited to displaying at app start.
  • Removed Iab billing example code from Droidboy.


  • Removed the deprecated method Appboy.requestSlideupRefresh(). Please use Appboy.requestInAppMessageRefresh() instead.
  • Removed the deprecated class AppboySlideupManager. Please use AppboyInAppMessageManager instead.
  • HTML in-app message WebViews now use wide viewport mode and load pages in overview mode.
  • Moved AppboyImageUtils to the private library with an updated api.
  • Moved WebContentUtils to the private library.
  • Renamed IInAppMessageHtmlBase to InAppMessageHtmlBase.
  • Method count of the private Braze library has decreased by over 600 since version 1.11.0.
  • Removed the partial duplicate of the private library’s StringUtils from the ui project.


  • Fixed bug where large and small icons both rendered at full size in notification remoteviews for Honeycomb/ICS. Now, if a large icon is available, only the large icon is shown. Otherwise, the small icon is used.
  • Fixed bug where push open logs were under-reported under certain device conditions.


  • Placeholder for Unity release.


  • Creates Activity based Unity in-app messages (fixing an issue where touches on in-app messages were hitting the game behind the in-app message) and removes redundant Unity permissions.
  • Added a method for setting modal frame color on in-app messages, no longer displays in-app messages on asset download failure and adds robustness.
  • Added deep link support to AppboyUnityGcmReceiver.
  • Makes the WebView background for HTML in-app messages transparent. Ensure your HTML in-app messages expect a transparent background.
  • Updated Google Play Services from to 7.5.0 to 8.3.0 and Play Services Support from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0.
    • See
  • Updated Braze WebView to support redirects to deep links and enables DOM storage.


  • Added Android M Support. Under the runtime permissions model introduced in Android M, location permission must be explicitly obtained from the end user by the integrating app. Once location permission is granted, Braze will resume location data collection on the subsequent session.


  • Added the ability to log a custom event from an HTML in-app message. To log a custom event from an HTML in-app message, navigate a user to a url of the form appboy://customEvent?name=customEventName&p1=v2, where the name URL parameter is the name of the event, and the remaining parameters are logged as String properties on the event.


  • Enabled javascript in HTML in-app messages.
  • Deprecated logShare() and setBio() in the public interface as support in the Braze dashboard has been removed.


  • Fixed an issue where applications in extremely resource starved environments were seeing ANRs from the periodic dispatch BroadcastReceiver. This was not a bug in the Braze code, but a symptom of a failing application. This updates our periodic dispatch mechanism so it won’t have this symptomatic behavior, which in some cases should help developers track down the source of the actual issue (depending on the bug). Apps that only use the Braze jar file will now have to register <service android:name=""/> in their AndroidManifest.xml to enable Braze to periodically flush data.
  • Fixed a very rare issue where calling Context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission() would cause an exception to be thrown on certain custom Android builds.
  • Updated the News Feed to not show cards in the local cache that have expired.


  • Fixed bug triggered when AppboyWearableListenerService was not registered.


  • All users must add the line -dontwarn** to their proguard config file if using proguard.
    • See
  • Added support for analytics from Android Wear devices.
  • Added support for displaying notification action buttons sent from the Braze dashboard. To allow image sharing on social networks, add the <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> permission to your AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Added delegate to FeedbackFinishedListener enabling modification of feedback messages before they are sent to Appboy. Also adds a disposition parameter to onFeedbackFinished().
  • Added support for GIF images in the News Feed and in in-app messages via the Facebook Fresco image library (version 0.6.1) as a provided library. If found in the parent app (your app), images and GIFs will be loaded using views from the Fresco library. In order to display GIFs, Fresco must be added as a dependency in the parent app. If not found in the parent app, News Feed cards and in-app messages will not display GIFs. To disable use of the Fresco library in the UI project, set the value of com_appboy_enable_fresco_library_use to false (or omit it) in your appboy.xml; to enable Fresco use set com_appboy_enable_fresco_library_use to true in your appboy.xml. ImageView specific attributes for News Feed cards and in-app messages, such as scaleType, must now be applied programmatically instead of being applied from styles.xml. If using Fresco and proguarding your app, please include with your proguard config. If you are not using Fresco, add the dontwarn com.appboy.ui.** directive. Note: to use Fresco with Braze it must be initialized when your application launches.
  • Added explicit top and bottom padding values for in-app message buttons to improve button rendering on some phones. See the Appboy.InAppMessage.Button style in styles.xml.
  • Added HTML in-app message types. HTML in-app messages consist of html along with an included zipped assets file to locally reference images, css, etc. See CustomHtmlInAppMessageActionListener in our Droidboy sample app for an example listener for the callbacks on the actions inside the WebView hosting the HTML in-app message.
  • Added a setAttributionData() method to AppboyUser that sets an AttributionData object for the user. Use this method with attribution provider SDKs when attribution events are fired.
  • Removed the need for integrating client apps to log push notifications inside their activity code. Please remove all calls to Appboy.logPushNotificationOpened() from your app as they are now all handled automatically by Braze. Otherwise, push opens will be incorrectly logged twice.
  • In-app message views are now found in the com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views package and in-app message listeners are now found in the com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners package.


  • Added the ability to specify custom fonts for in-app message ui elements via the appboyInAppMessageCustomFontFile custom xml attribute.
  • Increases the number of supported currency codes from 22 to 171. All common currency codes are now supported. The full list of supported codes is available at our Javadoc.
  • Added the method isUninstallTrackingPush() to AppboyNotificationUtils to be able to detect background push sent for Braze uninstall tracking.
  • Updated BigPictureStyle to show message in expanded view if summary is not present (after 1.7.0 a summary was required in expanded view to have text appear).


  • Internal release for Xamarin, adds AppboyXamarinFormsFeedFragment.


  • Updated the minimum sdk version from 8 (froyo) to 9 (gingerbread).
  • Added an opt-in location service that logs background location events.
  • Fixed an in-app message lifecycle listener bug where certain lifecycle events could be fired twice.


  • Added Braze logging configurability by setting the AppboyLogger.LogLevel. This is intended to be used in development environments and should not be set in a released application as logging statements are essential for debugging.
    • See
  • Added getAppboyPushMessageRegistrationId() to the Braze interface to enable retrieval of the GCM/ADM/Baidu registration ID Braze has set for the device.
  • Updated our libraries to build against API level 22.
  • Blacklisted custom attributes may no longer be incremented.


  • Introduced AppboyNotificationUtils.getAppboyExtrasWithoutPreprocessing() to parse Braze extras from GCM/ADM intent extras directly rather than requiring Braze extras to be parsed into a Bundle before being passed into AppboyNotificationUtils.getAppboyExtras().
  • Added the ability to send and retrieve extra key-value pairs via a News Feed card.
  • Added the ability to define custom key-value properties on a custom event or purchase. Property keys are strings and values may be strings, doubles, ints, booleans, or java.util.Date objects.
  • Removed from The downloadImageBitmap() function has been moved to


  • Upgrades Droidboy’s custom user attributes and purchases capability and refactors the settings page.
  • Removed requirement to manually integrate Font Awesome into the client app’s /assets folder for in-app messages with icons.


  • Added summary subtext in BigView style notifications. This is a breaking change in BigView style notification display. Previously the summary text in BigView style notifications was set to the bundle/dashboard summary text if it was present, or the alert message otherwise. Now the bundle/dashboard summary text is used to set the message subtext, which results in the bundle/dashboard summary text being shown in both the collapsed and expanded views. See our updated push previews for a visualization of this change.
  • Added the ability to set a custom IAppboyNotificationFactory to customize push using Appboy.setCustomAppboyNotificationFactory().
  • Added the ability to override title and summary in BigView push notifications.
  • Added the ability to set a default large icon for push messages by adding the com_appboy_push_large_notification_icon drawable resource to your appboy.xml.
  • Added support for modal and full screen style in-app messages. Also adds support for including fontawesome icons and images with in-app messages, changing colors on in-app message UI elements, expanded customization options, and message resizing for tablets. Please visit our documentation for more information.
  • Added a sample application (China Sample App) which integrates Baidu Cloud Push and Braze for sending push messages through Braze to devices without Google Services installed.
  • Added AppboyNotificationUtils.logBaiduNotificationClick(), a utility method for logging push notification opens from push messages sent via Baidu Cloud Push by Braze.
  • Refactors AppboyNotificationUtils into multiple classes in the com.appboy.push package and the AppboyImageUtils class in com.appboy.


  • Added a major performance upgrade that reduces CPU usage, memory footprint, and network traffic.
  • Added 26 additional languages to localization support for Braze UI elements.
  • Added local blocking for blacklisted custom attributes, events, and purchases. However, blacklisted attributes may still be incremented (removed in release 1.7.3).
  • Added the ability to set the accent color for notification in Android Lollipop and above. This can be done by setting the com_appboy_default_notification_accent_color integer in your appboy.xml.
  • Updated the News Feed to render wider on tablet screens.
  • Added swipe handling for in-app messages on APIs <= 11.
  • Updated our UI library to build against API level 21.


  • Fixed a timezone bug where short names were used for lookup, causing the default timezone (GMT) to be set in cases where the short name was not equal to the time zone Id.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple pending push intents could override each other in the notification center.


  • Fixed News Feed swipe-refresh CalledFromWrongThreadException.
  • Updated the android-L preview support from version 1.5.2 to support the public release of Android 5.0. Updates the v4 support library dependency to version 21.0.0.
  • android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS is no longer required during initial GCM registration for devices running Jelly Bean and higher. However, use of this permissions is recommended so that pre-Jelly Bean devices can register with GCM.
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK is no longer required during initial GCM registration. However, use of this permissions is recommended to allow notifications to wake the screen and engage users when the notification arrives.
  • No longer overwrite messages in the notification center based on collapse key (GCM) or consolidation key (ADM). Instead, overwrite based on message title and message alert, or, if specified, a custom notification id.
  • Updated Droidboy to use the most recent Google IAB helper classes.


  • Added support for displaying Kindle notifications with images.
  • Notifications with a minimum priority specified no longer trigger the device wakelock because Android does not display them in the status bar (they appear silently in the drawer).
  • Removed styleable elements from the UI project. This should have no impact on consuming projects.


  • Incubates a feature to allow for runtime changes to be made to the API key. Please contact if you want to test this feature.
  • Added support for Big View text summaries, allowing summary text to be displayed under the main text in a notification.
  • Added support for custom URIs to open when a notification is clicked.
  • Added support for notification duration control. When specified, sets an alarm to remove a notification from the notification center after the specified duration.
  • Added support for notification sounds. Users can specify a notification sound URI to play with the notification.
  • Added support for changing in-app message duration from the client app. To do this, you can modify the slideup object passed to you in the onReceive() delegate using the new setter method IInAppMessage.setDurationInMilliseconds().
  • Updated AppboyWebViewActivity to always fill the parent view. This forces some previously problematic websites to render at the correct size.


  • Added the ability to turn off Braze’s automatic location collection using the com_appboy_disable_location_collection boolean in appboy.xml.
  • Added the ability to send location tracking events to Braze manually using setLastKnownLocation on the AppboyUser. This is intended to be used with com_appboy_disable_location_collection set to true so that locations are only being recorded from a single source.


  • Added support for GCM and ADM messages without collapse keys.
  • Added support for GCM and ADM messages with notification priorities.
  • Enabled setting a registration ID without a full push setup; registerAppboyGcmMessages() and registerAppboyPushMessages() no longer throw null pointer exceptions if Braze isn’t correctly configured to display push messages.
  • Enabled AppboyWebViewActivity to download items.
  • Added support for apps built targeting android-L. Braze’s process for registering push notifications had previously used an implicit service intent which caused a runtime error. Any apps built against android-L will need to upgrade to this version. However, apps with Braze that are/were built against any other versions of Android will run without issue on android-L. Thus, this is not an urgent upgrade unless you’re working with android-L.
  • Removed extraneous features from Droidboy so it’s more easily digestible as a sample application.


  • Removed obfuscation from parameter names on public models.


  • Added Kindle Fire support and ADM support.
  • Added read/unread visual indicators to newsfeed cards. Use the configuration boolean com_appboy_newsfeed_unread_visual_indicator_on in appboy.xml to enabled the indicators. Additionally, moved the logFeedCardImpression() and logFeedCardClick() methods to the card objects themselves.
  • Added support to image loading in CaptionedImage and Banner cards for dynamic resizing after loading the image url; supports any aspect ratio.
  • Added Hello Appboy sample project that shows a minimal use case of the Braze SDK.
  • Added wake lock to AppboyGcmReceiver in the UI project. When the WAKE_LOCK permission is set, the screen will be turned on when a notification is received.
  • Moved constants from AppboyGcmReceiver (ie: APPBOY_GCM_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_ID, etc.) into new AppboyNotificationUtils class.
  • Restricted productId to 255 characters for Appboy.logPurchase().


  • Removed org.json classes from appboy.jar.


  • Added summary text for push image notifications.
  • Added a new constant, APPBOY_LOG_TAG_PREFIX, for logging which includes the sdk version number.


  • Added automatic tests to verify that the sdk has integrated correctly.
  • Added an optional quantity amount to in-app-purchases.
  • Changed the device identifier from the device persistent ANDROID_ID to a non device persistent identifier for compliance with the new Google Play Terms of Service.
  • Removed default max length and ellipsize properties in the styles.xml. The old defaults were set to 5 for maxLines for newsfeed cards and ellipsize ‘end’.


  • Added categories.
  • Added swipe to refresh functionality to the newsfeed. The swipe to refresh colors are configurable in the colors xml file.
  • Added configurable session timeout to the appboy xml.
  • Added images to GCM push notifications.
  • Added email and push notification subscription types for a user. Subscription types are explicitly opted in, subscribed, and unsubscribed. The old email boolean subscribe method has been deprecated.
  • The feedback form now displays error popups to the user on invalid fields.
  • Removed click logging on slideups when action is None.


  • Minor changes to address some Lint issues in the UI project.
  • Updated the open source AppboyGcmReceiver to use references to for resource identifiers. This became possible when we moved into the android-sdk-ui project (from the base library JAR).


  • Minor bug fix for a crash that occurred in certain conditions where the News Feed cards were replaced with a smaller set of cards.


  • Fixed a few minor style issues to be closer in line with Eclipse’s preferences.
  • Fixed a potential synchronization issue with the AppboyListAdapter.
  • Added the ability to set the avatar image URL for your users.
  • Fixed support for protocol URLs and adds an ActivityAction overload that streamlines the use of deep link and web link actions.
  • Minor update to Chinese language translation.
  • Moved com.appboy.AppboyGcmReceiver to the open source android-sdk-ui project. Also moves some of the constants previously available as AppboyGcmReceiver.* to com.appboy.constants.APPBOY_GCM_*. The CAMPAIGN_ID_KEY previously used in our sample app is still available in com.appboy.AppboyGcmReceiver, but if you were using other constants, you’ll have to move the references.
  • Removed input validation on custom attribute key names so that you can use foreign characters and spaces to your heart’s desire. Just don’t go over the max character limit.


  • Updated to version 1.9.1 of Android-Universal-Image-Loader.
  • Added Chinese language translations.
  • Minor cleanup to imports.


Braze version 1.3 provides a substantial upgrade to the slideup code and reorganization for better flexibility moving forward, but at the expense of a number of breaking changes. We’ve detailed the changes in this changelog and hope that you’ll love the added power, increased flexibility, and improved UI that the new Braze slideup provides. If you have any trouble with these changes, feel free to reach out to for help, but most migrations to the new code structure should be relatively painless.


New AppboySlideupManager

  • The AppboySlideupManager has moved to
  • An ISlideupManagerListener has been provided to allow the developer to control which slideups are displayed, when they are displayed, as well as what action(s) to perform when a slideup is clicked or dismissed.
    • The slideup YOUR-APPLICATION-PACKAGE-NAME.intent.APPBOY_SLIDEUP_CLICKED event has been replaced by the ISlideupManagerListener.onSlideupClicked(Slideup slideup, SlideupCloser slideupCloser) method.
  • Added the ability to use a custom android.view.View class to display slideups by providing an ISlideupViewFactory.
  • Default handling of actions assigned to the slideup from the Braze dashboard.
  • Slideups can be dismissed by swiping away the view to either the left or the right. (Only on devices running Honeycomb Android 3.1 or higher).
    • Any slideups that are created to be dismissed by a swipe will automatically be converted to auto dismiss slideups on devices that are not running Android 3.1 or higher.

Slideup model

  • A key value extras java.util.Map has been added to provide additional data to the slideup. Extras can be on defined on a per slideup basis via the dashboard.
  • The SlideFrom field defines whether the slideup originates from the top or the bottom of the screen.
  • The DismissType property controls whether the slideup will dismiss automatically after a period of time has lapsed, or if it will wait for interaction with the user before disappearing.
    • The slideup will be dismissed automatically after the number of milliseconds defined by the duration field have elapsed if the slideup’s DismissType is set to AUTO_DISMISS.
  • The ClickAction field defines the behavior after the slideup is clicked: display a news feed, redirect to a uri, or nothing but dismissing the slideup. This can be changed by calling any of the following methods: setClickActionToNewsFeed(), setClickActionToUri(Uri uri), or setClickActionToNone().
  • The uri field defines the uri string that the slide up will open when the ClickAction is set to URI. To change this value, use the setClickActionToUri(Uri uri) method.
  • Convenience methods to track slideup impression and click events have been added to the com.appboy.models.Slideup class.
    • Impression and click tracking methods have been removed from
  • A static createSlideup method has been added to create custom slideups.


  • A custom IAppboyNavigator can be set via IAppboy.setAppboyNavigator(IAppboyNavigator appboyNavigator) which can be used to direct your users to your integrated Braze news feed when certain slideups are clicked. This provides a more seamless experience for your users. Alternatively, you can choose not to provide an IAppboyNavigator, but instead register the new AppboyFeedActivity class in your AndroidManifest.xml which will open a new Braze news feed Activity when certain slideups are clicked.


  • A new base class, AppboyBaseActivity, has been added that extends and integrates Braze session and slideup management.
  • A drop-in AppboyFeedActivity class has been added which can be used to display the Braze News Feed.


  • Fixed a ProGuard issue.


  • Introduced two new card types (Banner card and Captioned Image card).
  • Added support for sending down key/value pairs as part of a GCM message.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Added support for reporting purchases in multiple currencies.
  • Fixed a bug in caching custom events to a SQLite database.
  • Fixed a validation bug when logging custom events.
  • Deprecated IAppboy.logPurchase(String, int).


  • Initial release
New Stuff!